Stiles just ignores them while he
makes his way to the car,and he tries to get to the door but it's being blocked by men who are taking loud pictures with the flashes on in his face. "Excuse me." Stiles says, trying to be polite as he makes his way to door. One of the paparazzi is trying to get a better picture of Stiles, and he pushes Stiles to get a reaction out of
Derek. He didn't mean to push as hard as he did because Stiles loses
his balance and he falls to the curb. Derek turns in time to see Stiles fall down, Stiles isn't hurt he's just surprised that the man managed to push him to the ground, and he moves to help Stiles up before turning towards the man that pushed him.

"Did you just push my fucking husband? Huh, twat?!" Derek screams, pushing him back. The flashes are going off like crazy, and Stiles moves to stop him before he does something stupid. Derek is so angry that someone pushed Stiles down to the ground, Stiles is so sweet to everyone he doesn't deserve this. "You think that you can push down my husband, you piece of shit?" Derek says, and Stiles grabs his hand to stop him for hitting the man again.

"Stop, okay? He just surprised me." Stiles tells him, and Derek glares at the man before wrapping his arm around Stiles to lead him to the car before getting into the driver side. Stiles pulls up his coat to hide his face while Derek starts the car.

"I'm going to run over those fuckers if they don't move." Derek hisses, and Stiles hides his face while he chuckles once. Derek backs out slowing and he drives the familiar path to his home, and he rolls his eyes to himself while
he sneaks glances at Stiles. "You okay?" Derek asks, and Stiles moves to sit up straight while he moves to uncover himself while he nods his head.

"Yeah. I told you, he just caught me by surprise." Stiles tells him, smiling at him some. "But it's nice that you offered to beat him into the ground." Stiles says, and Derek smiles some before turning into the building of his loft.

Stiles looks out of the window while he waits for them to park so he can curl up in his bed while he moves to try to sleep away the paparazzi scandal about his husband freaking out.


Stiles is yawning to himself while he walks with Derek to the door, and he yawns again while Derek unlocks the door. "I'm going to bed." Stiles tells him, and Derek nods as he locks the door behind them while Kira walks up to them.

"Hey, Kira. What's up?" Stiles asks, and Kira smiles at him before turning towards Derek.

"Uh, Mr. Hale? There's a woman
here how says that she's your mom. I don't know how she got here, but
she's refusing to leave." Kira says, and Derek looks at her in surprise before nodding his head as he moves to walk into the living room while Stiles follows after him curiously. He knows of the trouble that Derek has his mother, and he's curious to see what it's about. Derek seems to not want Stiles to follow him, but Stiles is to curious to see what Derek's mother looks like.

Derek walks into the living room
before crossing his arms over his chest when the middle aged woman
turns to look at him. She's tall like Derek, with dark brown hair that looks perfectly. Her clothes look perfect, and her heels click when she turns around. She raises a perfect plucked eyebrow when she sees Stiles, and she walks forward. "Talia Hale. How do you do?" She asks, and Stiles holds his hand out to her.

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Stiles
Stilinski." Stiles introduces himself as he takes her hand, and she shakes it firmly before letting it go. "May I get you something to drink?" Stiles says, and she shakes her head.

"Thank you, dear, but I just want
to talk to my son." Talia says, and Stiles bites his lip as he looks at Derek. Derek is all but glaring at her, but she doesn't seem the least bit unnerved by it. "Derek Samuel. That is enough. You got married without telling me. How do you think I feel having to learn my only son is married from the papers?" Talia says, and Derek rolls his eyes.

"It's not a real marriage, Mother. It's a drunken mistake that we're making the best of." Derek hisses, and Talia looks at Stiles in surprise. Stiles cannot believe that Derek told her the truth, Derek's been lying to everyone, and he moves to smile shyly. "Either way. I wouldn't have invited you to my real wedding. Last time we spoke I said I didn't want anything to do with you." Derek says, and Talia rolls her eyes as she glares at him.

"You were sixteen and you told me
that you wanted to tour the world with a punk band. You were a child
and threw a hissy fit." Talia says, and Derek glares at her. "I told you no and you went anyways. Stop being a child, and act like an adult." She adds, and Derek stomps his foot in annoyance while he huffs.

"Derek. That's your mother! I'm sorry, ma'am."Stiles says, and Talia looks at him before nodding her head. Stiles has to admit that she scares the hell out of him,but he's not saying anything else to upset her.

"Stiles, no. You're supposed to be on my side." Derek whispers, and Stiles smiles at him before sighing while he moves to drag Derek to the kitchen.

"Excuse us, Ms. Hale." Stiles says, and Talia nods while she looks at Derek's awards on his mantel.

Stiles drags Derek to the kitchen, Derek follows after him, and Stiles gives him a hard look before sighing. "I am on your side, but you need to apologize to your mother. You were just a child, and you made an irrational decision. She was trying to protect you from failure and life." Stiles tells him, and Derek sighs as he looks at him.

"She's my mom. She's supposed to
support me no matter what, and she didn't." Derek tells him, and Stiles sighs as he nods his head. Derek reaches out to pull Stiles
towards him to hug him, and Stiles smiles as he nuzzles into his neck. "Do I have too?" Derek whines, and Stiles pulls back to look at him.

"Yes." Stiles says, pecking his lips. Derek huffs while he moves to go back to the living room where his mother is admiring his awards, and he clears his throat to get her attention. "Ms. Hale? Derek has something he wants to tell you." Stiles says, pinching Derek's side to get him to say it.

Derek tries to glare at him before he sighs at the unwavering look on Stiles' face. "I swear if you don't do it then I will make you sleep in your own room from now on." Stiles threatens quietly, and Derek sighs. He likes sharing a bed with Stiles more than he values his pride about his mother, and he huffs again.

"I'm sorry, Mum. I shouldn't have treated you the way I did. I was a teenager, I was angry and I thought you were trying to keep me from living my dream." Derek says, and Talia looks at him before looking at Stiles. Talia stalks forward, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor, and she pull Derek into a hug. Derek smiles some to himself before he hugs her back, and Talia turns towards Stiles before mouthing a "thank you" at him.

Stiles at her before he nods, and he rubs Derek's back before moving to get himself something to drink.

Stiles wants them to have privacy with his mother, and he smiles to himself when he sees them talking to each other. When Stiles comes back into the room with drinks for all of them, and Talia is good naturedly chastising Derek about his tattoos. Derek rolls his eyes fondly before pulling Stiles into hislap after he puts down the tea, and Stiles squeaks for a second before making himself comfortable. Talia looks at them with a raised eyebrow before humming as she sips her tea. "Yes, not really married my arse." She hums, and Stiles blushes. 

The Brain and the Bass Guitarist (Sterek AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora