|Got Word|A Rose's Reflection|

Start from the beginning

"What? Are you looking at jobs or something"

"Eh kinda sorta"

"Which one is it?"


"Sis, I need you to stay on top of ya stuff.
I know right now it seems like you have all the time in the world but-"

"But I do, see Jay I realized that I have all the time in the world, unlike other people. I have time to have fun and do what I want because I'm not stuck up and rich.
So I'm gonna live how I wanna live and everyone is gonna do what they want but I chose to live young wild and free"

"I hear you, sis"

"Okay good, I have a few things I gotta do so I'll see you around Jay"

"Yeah we'll talk Sis"

"Yeah see you"

He got up and walked out and I locked my door and rushed rolling my weed. A few minutes later Gaven called me...

"Hey A, you Ight?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I mean you got brutally drunk last night to the where I had to come get you"

"Yeah I don't remember any of that"

"I know, you know ion like you drinking A"

"Well I'm glad, I did switch to smoking"

"That's not better A"

"Well it's better for me and it's helping me"

"A this is a dangerous thing you messing with"

"Gaven I know that I'm doing"

"And I know what I'm talking about,
The only thing you do all day is smoke and ion like that"

"You don't have to like it-"

"And then if you not smoking your drinking"

"Your only-"

"Gaven did you call cause you want something or did you call me to preach"


"Bye Gaven"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes then hung up...he always wanna act like a parent to me and I couldn't stand it. He was about to get cut off.



|Dorinda's POV|

"She's growing, I can't believe I'm having another one Kare"

"I know I can't wait to meet my new nephew"

"How do you know it's a boy?"

"I don't know but I'm gonna speak it in Jesus name"

I laughed at Karen as she rubbed my 13-week-old bump, we've been on tour for the past months, and since then
I found out I was pregnant with another baby, I'm so excited because Greg and I have been having trouble getting pregnant since the beginning of our marriage. He didn't know anything just yet so I was going home today to tell him that new...We were blessed enough to have Nikkia and J Cole but there were struggles with them. I've had miscarriages many times and it discouraged me so much but God always works things out and your favor and now I'm blessed to be carrying another baby now... as everyone else on this tour bus was sleeping. Karen and I sat at the table and continued to talk about the baby.

"I have a feeling it's another girl"

"You want another girl?"

"Well I don't have a preference but God showed me a beautiful dream and told me that it was my dream"

"He showed you a dream? What was it about?"

"It was just like an evolution of Aniah"

"Who's Aniah?"

"It's the name God gave me for her,
It means God had answered and Gift from the highest power"

"So you definite?"

"About what?"

"Having a girl"


"Okay cool but what was the dream about that God gave you"

" it was like he showed me times where I was genuinely happy and so was she like when she started taking her first steps, it was moments like that then suddenly the dream turned into a nightmare and I saw her-"

"We're pulling up to the parking lot of the church family, welcome back to Detroit!"

He said and Karen and I paused the conversation so we could get ready to get off her bus that we'd been on for hours.
When it was time to get off the bus The bus driver helped me put all my stuff in the car and after saying my goodbyes to my sisters I took off to go home. It was only around 1 o'clock so the kids were still in school and Greg was at work.

It was about a 35-minute drive to get home when I got home I brought my suitcase in, felt so good to be home.
I wanted to the kitchen to grab myself some cashews because I was craving them for some reason before I heard a thud of stairs, I paused and looked in the direction of the noise. Following the third, I heard little noises, but I couldn't make out what they were. I put down my snack and walked towards the staircase.
The inaudible noises became audible and I heard moans... I walked up to the second floor and went to my bedroom and put my ear to the door. I heard moans as clear as day, opening the door I found my husband in the room with-


Who y'all think he was in the bed with?👀


JAGOTYOBACK  missstrawberry2020
CoCoUSoCrazy tcsandkiki AsiaCrayton

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