|Story|A Rose's Reflection|

78 11 6

|Aniah POV|

|3 Days Later|

I was in the lunch line getting the soul of the day when Rye and one of her friends knocked into me spilling the tomato soup all over me.

"Oh Ashy did you have an accident"

They laughed walking away,
I grabbed a napkin and attempted to clean up the soup that was on me but it wasn't working. So I put my lunch tray on that cleaning belt and walked through the lunch room to go to the bathroom and clean up but that's when another friends of Rye, by the name of Lexi trapped me and I fell face first. I didn't hit my face but it hurt like hell. The entire lunch room laughed and I got up then ran to the bathroom. The first thing I did was check if I was bleeding but I wasn't my hand was bruised up though. I got a few paper towels and tried to clean off my white top but it was useless the stain wasn't going to come out.

I took my phone out and called my sister Nikki, the phone rung a couple times before she picked up.


"Hey Nikki, Can you come get me from school? I messed my clothes up a little and I can't walk around like this...."

"I'm in Miami girl!"

"Why you in Miami?"

"Dion surprised me but I gotta go we finna go up to the casino,
Call mama"

She hung uo before I could get another word out, So I called my brother Jay.
His phone rung a couple times once more before he picked up.

"Hey sis"

"Hey Jay, Are you busy?
Yea kinda I'm at doing some work over in Eastpointe"


"Why wassup?"

"Um- nothing I just wanted to check in on you. I miss you"

"Aw sis, I miss you too!
I'll be by soon to see y'all"

"Okay Jay"

"Hey punk"

I heard Rye say so I quickly got off the phone with Jay and paid attention to Rye.

"What now Rye? You already embarrassed me today."

"You know what today is?"

"What's today Rye?"

"The day your little druggie bestfriend killed my bestfriend"

Rye said...

"Rye listen-"

"No you little slut! My bestfriend would be alone if your bestfriend didn't shoot up herself before driving Talia home"

"Rye that's not what happened."

"Then what happened?"

"Then what happened because that's the true story?"

"Eliana was drugged and you know that. She tried getting Talia home safe. She just wanted to leave that party/"

"That's not an excuse!"

"Rye do you not realize Eliana is gone too?
I grieved right alone with you and Talia was my friend also. So I'm sorry for what happened and I'm speaking g on Eliana's half.
She didn't know all of that was going to happen but they both lost their life that night!"

I said loud and clearly to Rye.
A year ago today there was a homecoming party and Eliana and Talia went together,
I ended up falling ill that week so I couldn't make it but everyone was there.
From what I believe some boys wanted Eliana to sleep with them but she refused so when her back was turned they laced her food and she was high out of her mind. She gathered Talia and began to drive home because she was scared,
She was speeding and lost control while going through the back woods and hit a tree. By the time first responders got there Eliana and Talia were gone.
I found out the next day when I seen post on social media about them.
Many people say Eliana did drugs but that was my bestfriend and I know her well, she didn't do that and I believe the version I told.

"If I could kill you to bring Talia back I would, I should do it anyway you don't deserve to live"

"Rye, you wanna be evil and vicious about the whole thing but why can't we just be friends and grieve together. After all we were friends before all of this-"

"I will never be your friend again you bit-"

*Knock. Knock.Knock*

"Ladies out the bathroom!"

The security guard said and Rye left the restroom, seconds later I walked out.


JAGOTYOBACK  missstrawberry2020
CoCoUSoCrazy tcsandkiki AsiaCrayton

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