|All I want|A Rose's Reflection|

91 18 5

‼️Trigger warning‼️

‼️Self Harm‼️

|Aniah's POV|

"Don't be talking back just do what I say!"

"I did!"

"And you still talking back!"


"Go do it!"

I went upstairs and put the clothes in the dryer like she'd been yelling about for the past hour.  I then went to get the other basket of clothes and put those in the washer, after doing that she called me back downstairs.

"Didn't I ask you to mop the floor?"

"Yeah But I had to"

"Why do I have to do everything?
I come home from work the least you can do is clean up."

"But mom I had homework-"

"I don't care, you're old enough to juggle school and your chores at home. Always got your hand out for money but can't do nothing-"

"Alright, Mom I got it!"

"Girl say one more thing!"

She fussed at me and I just stayed quiet.

"Mama! I'm here!"

My sister Nikki said coming in the door.

"Hey, baby!"

Mama said smiling and hugging Nikki,
I just went to the cleaning supply closet and got the mop.

"Come sit Nikki, I don't want you standing up for too long. I need you to relax as much as you can since you carrying my grandbaby."

"Ma I'm only 5 weeks"

"So? I still need you to sit down and leave it to me. So when is your due date? I'm gonna make sure I clear my schedule a week before you have this baby and 2 months after cause I'm gonna help you out when you have them."

"Ma you don't have to do that"

"I sure do."


Nikki laughed then I came back in the kitchen.

"Hey Little Sis"


I said drily and rolled my eyes at Mom.

"What are you doing?"

Mom said and I looked at her them the mop.

"I'm about to mop the floor"

"I said to sweep it and mop it!"

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