Episode 6 - Love and Devotion

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With the storm of emotions swirling inside Gong Jun, it's likely shock that holds it all on the inside as he sits in the backseat of the fusion red XC60. He is trying to listen to Lu Hui, as she babbles about the rules and what he should expect in his 'isolation' until the recording tomorrow—he really does. But both his mind and his soul are still reeling from how Zhang Zhe Han had hijacked his confession and then confessed and proposed instead.

He's so distracted by his aching heart aching, longing for Zhang Zhe Han's radiant smile, warm touch and silky soft lips, it's not until he is halfway between the studio and the resort that he realises that even though he had said yes to the proposal—he hadn't actually told Zhang Zhe Han that he loves him too.

The sudden urge to pour everything in his heart out to Zhang Zhe Han is so strong it physically hurts. He reaches for the door handle in a mad reflex, as if he could jump out of the car and sprint back to Zhang Zhe Han so that he can tell him that he is hopelessly in love with him. That it brings him joy to watch Zhang Zhe Han smile and laugh and be that wonderful gremlin. That he wants to spend the rest of his falling asleep and wake up next to him. That he really is his light.

He lets go of the door handle, remembering that Zhang Zhe Han and his team had left before him and are likely already back at the resort, and tries to will the chauffeur to drive faster so that he can get back to the Amandayan and to Zhang Zhe Han.

Unfortunately, the production has thought about everything. When He Jiong said that they wouldn't be able to see each other until they reached the finish line, he wasn't joking.

Walking in through the door to his villa—it's empty. He can physically feel the absence of Zhang Zhe Han. Not due to the lack of noise, but because there is always an effervescent energy surrounding Zhang Zhe Han wherever he is. He can always tell that Zhang Zhe Han is close, even when they're not in the same room. It's like a magnetic pull, or a soft breeze, or gravity.

"Where...?" He's confused, stopping dead centre at the bottom of the stairs.

Lu Hui looks at her tablet, and he wonders if she has already gone over this on their way here, "You're staying in different villas tonight. It's so that you don't see each other until you reach the aisle in tomorrow's challenge."

Whilst he can understand that, from a production perspective and viewer experience, this stunt will add additional drama and excitement to the final episode. For Gong Jun—it's like a round-kick to his gut, punching the air right out of his lungs.

He turns and aims his gaze towards Lu Hui, "Where is he?"

"Gong Laoban, they haven't told me which villa he is in." She worries her bottom lip, not really able to meet his gaze. "Even so, you'll be in breach of contract if you go see him. It's only for one night. You knew this was a possibility. Sleeping arrangements are clearly outlined in the contract. They have the right to do this at any point in time during the production. There is nothing I can do."

He holds his hand out, stiffly wiggling his fingers, "Then give me my phone. I just want to talk to him, just for a minute."

"Gong Laoban, think about your fans, think about what would happen if you're caught and kicked off production for violation of the rules. It could severely affect your career if it gets out that you don't honour the stipulations listed in the contract. Even the smallest violation could seriously damage your reputation in the industry."

"Ah-Hui, just give me my phone!" He growls, but he knows that she is right. He hates to admit it, but he knows. He breathes, sinks down on the couch and closes his eyes in an attempt to calm himself down. It's not her fault, so he really shouldn't take it out on her.

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