The Introductions

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Author's Notes:

None of the other CPs in this fiction are real. I have made up all the names and backstories.

♪ Taemin - "Think of you", "Move", "Under my skin", "Tease" and "Heaven"


Being in the entertainment industry, Gong Jun has a lot of insights as to how productions work, how Reality TV works, and how fast things can move when there is an agenda and a schedule to follow. However, when He Jiong asked them if they were ready to get married, he didn't realise that the man actually meant this instant.

He had been vaguely aware that the production crew had waited-very patiently but with the cameras ready so as to not miss a single expression or breath-outside the studio whilst they had their discussion. But the fact was that as soon as he had said yes to Zhang Zhe Han's and the studios' very persuasive arguments-as if he had been left with any other choice, really-the doors flew open and the production sort of just continued from where they had left off. Which meant that, in addition to the few questions they had already answered along with a heart-warming thanks to the fans, they had been ushered towards their cars to leave for the production location immediately.

In addition, the production crew had busied themselves by setting up both of their XC60s with wireless action cameras in multiple angles with live stream to the production van, currently following close behind on the G60 towards Hangzhou. At least they didn't have He Jiong sitting in the front seat asking them questions. And at least Zhang Zhe Han is sitting next to him, gazing out the window at the scenery racing past them on the motorway.

Considering they didn't have any time whatsoever to mentally prepare before a camera crew attached themselves to their personal sphere, he is amazed at how serene Zhang Zhe Han looks. He's got a soft smile curling his lips, those dark, warm eyes hidden behind a huge pair of Gentle Monster sunglasses. His loose bun is messy where it's wedged against the cream-coloured leather headrest, a few strands falling around Zhang Zhe Han's face. He's holding on to Gong Jun's left hand, playing absentmindedly with the Tasaki ring.

Gong Jun sighs and lets the warmth from those smooth fingers trail up his arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake, hoping that it will calm him. He is barely managing to contain the turmoil that is rolling out through his body in a sine curve. Keeping things hidden isn't one of his strong sides. That is, he can keep some things to himself-as evident by the situation they are in-but he is aware that his reactions can be too honest and pure, and that he sometimes wears his heart on his sleeve. Or in his eyes. But he hopes that whatever seeps out through his pores and subsequently gets caught on the three visible cameras, can be explained away as nerves or jitters due to the looming competition.

However, there is also something else fluttering around inside his head between all the worrying and general anxiety- 'All the rest is true'.

That was what Zhang Zhe Han had said.

He had said that they weren't lying. That Gong Jun could speak from his heart about everything in their lives and relationship. Did that mean that there were actual, genuine feelings there?

'The proposal. Our time together. That is all real.'

Was that true? Was it all real? Even the proposal? Did that mean that those fleeting moments, those private touches just between the two of them, were real? And what did Zhang Zhe Han mean when he said that he wished that they had done things differently? It didn't sound like he meant that they should never have faked this CP. It sounded more like he wished that they had done the relationship differently.

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