Recovery or stress

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Colby POS
I hear Ronnie groan from the bathroom in agony. You good Ronnie do I need to grab you anything. No yelling please Colbs but hand me aspirin please. On it and I'll get you a cup of tea too it'll help. She groans again and says that she's in so much pain. I walk in and hand her the aspirin and water and say well your a light weight Ronnie you do know that. She grumbles then says thank you for the aspirin. Your welcome Ronnie now if you need anything text me or Sam. Shouldn't we all just have a lazy day since you and him are also hungover. True and that doesn't sound like a bad idea okay let's do it. *ding ding*
A̻n̻n̻a̻: can you see if Veronica is up she's not answering my phone calls
Colby: she is she just woke up I'll let her know that you called her Mrs.Mavis
A̻n̻n̻a̻: thank you Colby so how do you think about the news
Colby: what news? I didn't hear anything from her
A̻n̻n̻a̻: you know Colby the one where Samuel and her are cousins
Colby: Mrs.Mavis it's been a month since I found out I don't mind that their cousins it makes their relationship better that I know that
A̻n̻n̻a̻: is she next you right now is that why you're saying that
Colby: yes and even if she wasn't I'd still say that cause honestly Mrs.Mavis she's a amazing person she is confident when she chooses to be she's responsible as hell
A̻n̻n̻a̻: don't tell me what I already know Colby I did raise her after all just you and her cousin stole her from me. 😶
Colby: we didn't take her she chose to come with us
Veronica POS
As Colby's texting God knows who I grab my phone to see holy crap 10 missed calls from my mom. I immediately text her to apologize for not answering cause I am well hungover but she didn't know that. As I'm texting a paragraph to her Colby says that he already told my mom that I'm sorry. Wait what so that's who you're texting over there I thought it would be some random person. Oh shut it light weight and your welcome by the way. Your right thanks Colbs now let's get this lazy day started shall we where's Sammy. Probably still asleep how about you and I just watch some tv together and have buckets for when we need to well you know. Alright I'm for that lets get the living room ready. About that let's do it in here in your room Ronnie. My room why not your room Colbs that sounds like a better idea. And it's away from Sam's room so he can rest. Smart he's just as a light weight as you Ronnie. Oh hush Colbs I get it but at least Sam and I don't bark when we are drunk like you do. That's right you bark you barked at me several times when I was taking you and Sam home one time. Well I'm sorry for that I can't control that. Oh I know now shh and help me with my blankets to your room. Fine fine how many do you want again. 3 total I like my warmth it's always cold in your room. It is not that cold your making it sound like it's back home in the winter. HEY WOULD YOU TWO SHH SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO RECOVER. Sorry Sammy I'll make some tea for you soon to help. Thank you Ronnie and watch something that isn't loud to give you headaches.
S̶a̶m̶ P̶O̶S̶
Ugh its only 8:00 in the morning why does it have to be so bright out. I don't know why babe maybe if you and your cousin weren't going out to parties you wouldn't suffer like this. Speaking of which when will I meet such cousin it's been three months. You will in time I promise baby just a lot of things have been going on. Mhmm okay I love you I gotta go my roommate is making tacos. Love you too *kiss sound* ugh I have to tell Ronnie that I'm dating her ex best friends sister. Ugh she's going to ki- SAMMY COME TO COLBY'S ROOM. Ronnie what did I say about the yelling but okay. Sorry Sammy but come next to me Colby and I are going to watch Shameless. Ugh that show you already watched it 3 times Ronnie. Shut up and sit with me Sammy your a lot warmer then colbs. HEY RUDE I CARRIED YOU TO YOUR ROOM RONNIE. Dude yelling and she just wants cousin snuggles so what. Okay Sammy don't make it sound weird please I just want to sit with my favorite cousin. Oh really I am what about Ben and Allison hmm. Their also my favorite cousins but your extra favorite. How exactly is he extra favorite Ronnie? Well he and I grew up with the same bullies so we were always there for each other. Oh really that's the only reason why I'm extra favorite. Well that and you were always fighting back for me with my other cousins on my dad's side. Yeah I did do that till they realized that what they were saying was stupid.
Three hours later
ꋊꋬ꓄ꏂ ꉣꄲꇙ
So how you three feeling after last night. Like crap Nate all of us especially Ronnie feels like shit. Wait Ronnie drank holy crap did one of your family members die ron. No none of my family members died that I'm aware of Nate just wanted to see what the fuss is about. Well you had Sam and Colby to help you then as long as you three are good. We are just hungover as hell Ronnie napped on Sam's shoulder for an hour and a half. Well you two seem very close any feelings between you two. Sam is like a brother to me wouldn't ever date him and Ronnie is like a sister wouldn't date her either. If you two say so alright then have a good recovery then mates gotta go. Bye Nate we miss you and send your corgis some love from Ronnie please. Will do Ronnie *end call* ugh something is up with those two I just don't know what. But they'll tell me when their ready just have to let them know that I know that they love each other. Dude who you talking to you okay. Um yeah just got off the phone with my friends who live in Las Vegas. Oh Sam Colby and Veronica right? Yeah them they are all really hungover as hell apparently. Veronica doesn't drink so I was surprised that she drank. Wait so you have a little no drugs or alcohol friend who's a girl. Yes and that surprises you how Wyatt she's not the type of person to drink or do drugs. Then have you tapped that yet she probably hasn't been fucked either. Gross dude that's my best friend your talking about and I don't see her any other way.
A/N so this is not the end of the story but until January this story is going to be on a hiatus so to speak. I'll be writing obviously on the chapters to come. And when January rolls around the story will continue

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