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S̶a̶m̶ P̶O̶S̶
Where's Delilah at Ronnie did you send her to her room cause she can come out now. Sammy what are you talking about who's Delilah what were you dreaming about. Wait did you just call me Sammy Ronnie please tell me you said Sammy. Yea I called you Sammy I always have since I could talk. So that means it was all a dream oh god never ever stop calling me Sammy. Sam you're starting to scare me what's wrong what were you dreaming about. Yea dude what was your dream about? I had a dream in a dream it was weird and I am glad that it's over. What was it about though Sammy. It was weird it started off with you and Colby falling for eachother. Then when I thought that dream was over I woke up to what I thought was reality. And apparently you two were married and had a kid. WHAT WE WERE MARRIED AND HAD A CHILD? Yeah what dude that wouldn't happen at all we don't have feelings for eachother. What was the child's name though if you don't mind me asking Sam. Her name was Delilah and she looked like a mix of each of you. Oh so that's why you asked me where Delilah was.
(A few hours after Sam's dream realization)
Colby POS
Yo Sam so something is wrong with Ronnie I don't know what it is. Oh whats wrong with Ronnie is she here so I can ask. No it's Monday night she's out and about yes she's here she's in her room. We need to get her out more I swear thanks Colbs. I tried to convince her to come with me to get some food. She said no obviously cause she wasn't interested. Alright thanks again Colbs for telling me RONNIE WE GOTTA TALK!! NO SAMUEL I'M NOT IN THE MOOD. IS IT THAT TIME OF MONTH IS THAT WHY. MAYBE MAYBE NOT JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. WOULD YOU BOTH QUIT YELLING PLEASE. Sorry Colby we'll stop yelling for you to watch- Nancy Drew? Yea so what it's cool and Ronnie got me into it while you were having that weird dream.
(Two hours before Sam comes back home)
Veronica POS
Colby I'm going to be in my room if you need me. Alright why though its noon aren't you supposed to go to your support meeting. No it's cancelled today but next week its back to its regular time. Alright holler if you need anything Ronnie and remember that Sam and I love you. I know that Colbs thanks for being here for me and Sam. Of course Ronnie you two are my favorite people. I'm going to go to my room now and if you hear anything from my room I'm fine alright. Alright should I now be worried about leaving you alone? No you don't now I'm going to my room bye Colbs and remember that I love you. Okay now I'm worried that your going to do something sit here and color while I edit. But I don't wanna can't I just go to my room please Colby. No cause I'm worried your going to do something that you tried to do when someone showed the camera my scars. I'M NOT GOING TO END EVERYTHING JESUS CHRIST COLBY. Well still sit here please Ronnie and just be with me. Fine but I'm going to watch American housewife. Alright as long as you're here with me that's all that matters. I know now please edit the video like you were doing before. Alright and Ronnie apparently so many fans have shipped me and you from our last video. You mean the Holbrooke video cause that was a couple months ago or the recent video when you went to the castle in England. The Holbrooke video whenever you got scared and how you ran to find me or you hugged me. Oh well that's better than them shipping me and Sam which some fans have done.
Colby POS
Wait really even though he posts you whenever you both go back home to your family. Yea fans think that I'm dating him now since he and Katrina broke up. Why though I can see some similarities between you and him now that you told me your cousins. That's a sentence I haven't heard before but it's because of "how close we are" apparently that some fans think that were secretly dating. Well can't we do a sit down video and explain that you aren't dating either one of us. Yea I guess we could but I also don't want the fans to be jealous that I'm hanging out with you guys. Haha so you're saying that your more famous then me and Sam Ronnie. I'm not saying that at all Colby I'm just saying that your fans may get defensive. Oh is that so Ronnie well then I'll ask Sam if that's a good idea. Okay now edit your video enough so Sam can edit the rest. Fine fine just watch your show Ronnie. Oh I will I'm all comfortable in my beanbag.
S̶a̶m̶ P̶O̶S̶
So guys the reason I didn't tell Ronnie or Colby why I left the house is to get them a gift. Now you may be asking yourself why do you need to get them one gift to share can't you get them each a gift. Well I've noticed that Ronnie and Colby are secretly falling for eachother. How I know this is because when all three of us moved to LA to make big. They were their regular selfs till when we moved to Las Vegas. They became more nicer to eachother in like a oblivious flirty way. Now I'm not saying that is anything bad I'm all for them to be a thing. I'm just going to nudge them a bit to get a head start. As you know hopefully Ronnie is very artistic if you follow her you already know. So I'm going to try to find something between what Ronnie likes and Colby likes. I call Brian to get more info about Ronnie's style.
S̷a̷m̷: hey do you know what Ronnie is into more then I do by chance
ᗷᖇᓰᗩᘉ: um not really I know that she likes her art and her sketch book
S̷a̷m̷: okay that seems about right with her
ᗷᖇᓰᗩᘉ: why do you want to know can't you just ask Ronnie? What do you need to know about her

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