Unexpected feeling (1)

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A/N so this chapter may be short and I'm sorry I am at my state Fair so that's why it's short. they came back home from being with Sam's aunt and Veronica's moms house. But Colby has this new feeling towards Ronnie
Veronica POS
Hey Colbs thanks again for not telling everyone Sam's and I's secret. Of course Ronnie I will keep your secret till your ready to tell everyone. And I appreciate that Colby also while we were on the plane I came up with these designs for XPLR. Oh you did did you may I see what designs they are. Their a rough draft but sure see it's something similar to your last drop but not to similar. Oh these are awesome Ronnie may I add one thing to this please to probably make it awesome. Um sure just be careful with my sketchbook. I will I am not going to destroy it I promise. How about we add a little crescent moon on the sleeve here. Oh yea that looks good I will put that in the next little draft. So um about that text you sent me last night what is that about. Were you drunk and sent the text to me instead of somebody else.
Flashback to last night
Colby is on the phone with Brennan
Colby: dude I'm being serious I have a crush on Ronnie
Brennan: you have a crush on your merch designer the introvert friend that you and Sam brought with you
Colby: yes dude what should I do should I tell her
Brennan: I mean yea do you think that Ronnie feels the same way cause if she doesn't your screwed
Colby: I think she does I'm going to shoot her a text telling her how I feel
Brennan: aren't you home right now can't you walk to her room and tell her?
Colby: yea I'm home but Ronnie isn't she's at her sketch book club thing and won't be back till later
Brennan: alright I wish you luck brother I gotta go
End of phone call
Hey Sam can I tell you something and please don't be upset. Um alright what do you want to tell me is your cancer back. No it's not that so since we left your aunts house I've been feeling like I love Ronnie like really love her. Like a best friend type or something else. Like relationship type of love and I don't know why I never felt this way before. Oh bro you have a crush on my cousin how cute so did you tell Ronnie. Not yet I have a rough draft on this text to her about my feelings. Alright let me see this text your planning on sending to my cousin.
Unsent text to Ronnie: hey since we came back home I've had this biggest crush on you. I don't know how or why, do you feel the same. Let me know because I want to know before anything else happens
Alright so you got your bases covered you told her when you started feeling like this. And wants to know if she feels the same and wants to know before moving forward. I think you're all good I think she'll respond without a doubt.
Alright so I can send it to Ronnie and she won't question it. Yea send it and see what happens you got this.
Text to Ronnie
Colby: hey since we came back home I've had this biggest crush on you. I don't know how or why, do you feel the same. Let me know because I want to know before anything else happens
𝓡𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮
End of Flashback
Colby POS
No I wasn't drunk I was here while you were at your art club thing last night. So you sent that text soberly and consciously. Yes so do you feel the same way as I do Veronica. Whoa your using my actual name so this is serious. Yes I'm being serious I even asked Sam if that text was good to send you. You did aww Colby you asked Sammy to help you send me the text. Yes so do you feel the same way as I do towards you. Do I have to give you my answer right away or do I have a few hours to tell you. It's up to you Ronnie if you need a few hours to tell me then that's okay it is out of the blue. Okay then I'll tell you in a hour okay I just have to figure it all out okay. Okay Ronnie and even if you say no I still won't leave you. I know Colby and I appreciate that okay I'm going to make a snack then watch a Lindsey Wyatt video that he posted yesterday. You really like to watch him don't you do you watch our videos as much as you watch him. Yes Colby I do now I'm going to finish putting my Nutella on my bagel. Alright then I'll check in on you in a hour for your response. Okay see you then Colby and I may have my earbuds in so tap me if you come to talk to me.
S̶a̶m̶ P̶O̶S̶
So bro I heard you talking with Ronnie so what's her response. She said that she's going to tell me in a hour her answer to my question. Well I kind of expected that but hopefully the response is yes. I do too I love Ronnie and I don't want to hurt her. You could never hurt Ronnie you said it yourself your not going to leave her. Even now that you know that me and her are cousins. Yea that's true I guess we just how to wait and see. I'm happy for you brother but if you break her heart I don't think we will be able to work together anymore. WAIT WHAT I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU. I'm joking brother I know that you wouldn't break her heart.

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