Unexpected feeling (2)

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A/N so I'm on my way back from vacation but I promised you guys that I'd post something so here it is enjoy 🙂
One hour later
Colby POS
I walk in Ronnie's room hey Ronnie it's been an hour so what's your response. I look at her in her beanbag watching something on her phone. I tap her hand she looks at me and pauses what she's watching and takes out one of her earbuds. I repeat to her what is her response to my statement earlier. Oh that I have it written down on that paper over there as she points at her makeshift desk. I walk over and grab the paper and read it. As I'm reading I noticed she gets up and says my answer is yes by the way Colby. But this makes it more memorable. I look at her and immediately hug her and shout SHE SAID YES SAM YOU'RE CUTE COUSIN SAID YES. She kisses my lips and saying yes I did colbs as Sam runs into the room. He says you said yes did I hear that right Ronnie. She nods her head yes then says that their family can't know just yet. Okay but we have to tell them soon you know the rule that your mom made before we left for LA when we were younger. What rule I wasn't informed of this. That's because babe I didn't think we would feel like we feel right now. Oh well that's slightly understandable I guess I love you baby. Augh your already calling eachother pet names you just became a couple. You did the same thing with Katrina so shut it Sammy I love Colby alot and he loves me just as much.
S̶a̶m̶ P̶O̶S̶
I uhh fine okay just don't do anything to her without my and her concent Colby. SAM HE DOESN'T NEED YOUR CONCENT. Yes he does because you're my cousin my favorite cousin for that matter. Aww and no Sam I'm not fifteen I'm 25. Fine but I love you Ronnie I always will you're my favorite cousin. Remember Colby you hurt her she's going to be broken and I will be with her more then filming. Hey woah no you will do no such thing Sammy if that happens you don't need to end the channel. I love you Sammy but you don't need to go that far you love your career and I hate to see that I'm the problem if we end our relationship. Agreed dude besides I would never ever hurt Ronnie I love her to much. I know it's just a thought okay I'll let you lovebirds be. Ronnie hugs me from behind and says thanks cous for always being here for me. Then she releases and I head back to the office to edit the Conjuring video. As I'm editing Kris calls me.
Kris: so I just heard that Ronnie is dating Colby is this true
Sam: yep it's true they are really happy currently
Kris: I would think I saw the way Colby protected Ronnie in the Holbrooke video
Sam: you also see Ronnie beat the crap out of Colby as well then
Kris: yea I did I didn't know that she could be that violent
Sam: well she only becomes that violent if someone really pisses her off or someone touches her sketch book without asking
Kris: so I saw *laughs* she is very unique and I can see how Colby loves her
Sam: she definitely is unique but that's what we find interesting about her and still do
Kris: I have to go now I'm happy for them tho bye Sam
Sam: by Kris
(End of call)
Veronica POS
Babe wanna watch this with me it's this show called Wayne. Sure babe but first I'm going to get some snacks. Oh you mean these snacks I point next to me. Colby smiles and says your special babe and I love that about you. I kiss his lips and say I know now come over here and watch with me. Okay so can you start from the first episode please. Yes so you can enjoy it as much as I do.
(T͙w͙o͙ h͙o͙u͙r͙s͙ l͙a͙t͙e͙r͙ a͙f͙t͙e͙r͙ e͙p͙i͙s͙o͙d͙e͙s͙ o͙f͙ W͙a͙y͙n͙e͙ a͙n͙d͙ m͙a͙n͙y͙ b͙a͙t͙h͙r͙o͙o͙m͙ b͙r͙e͙a͙k͙s͙)
So how do you like the show so far babe. It's good and it could be our show. I really like the Wayne character would you be my del to my Wayne Ronnie. Yes Colbs obviously but like Del said in the first episode I'm not going to cook you anything if I'm not making some for myself.
Colby POS
So now that were a couple what do you want to do baby. Well I don't know we don't have to change our lives just because we're a couple Colby. That's true I guess so got any more drafts for the merch drop for the conjuring video. Um not really besides the little devil from our last drop that all of the fans loved. Alright that design was very big to. Sam and Katrina always hiked and had lunch dates. Well we don't need to be exactly like them we can figure out something. How about we go for a walk because it's that time where you usually go for a walk. Okay then I suggest you get on some good walking shoes. Obviously I'm not going to wear heels or something. I would hope not baby because I think I saw you in heels at our prom. Oh yea Sam's mom made me wear heels. To make you tall like me and Sam because we were roughly the same height. Yea cause you two were a head taller than me and still are.
A few hours later
S̶a̶m̶ P̶O̶S̶
So lovebirds what do we all want to eat for dinner. Hmm how about Wendy's they're food is good. We had that last night Ronnie how about Taco Bell. We had that every night at the first and second trap house Sammy. Alright you're point being what Veronica Lindsey Mavis. Hey now I don't like when you use my full name. Wait babe so you're initials are VLM I never knew that. How'd you never noticed that all my sketch designs have my initials for obvious copyright reasons. And I have the sweatshirts and any other clothing for XPLR have a little spot for my initials as well.

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