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Me and Ezra hung out basically the entire night of the party.

But something happened.

I'm extremely ashamed.

Some guy was picking on Ezra, calling him ugly, worthless, but not straight up. All around he was just calling himself better than Ezra. I couldn't take it.

At first, I told him to fuck off because Ezra's to nice to do that to anyone besides me. He may be aggressive, but really he's nice.

When he said something like 'no I'm staying right here.' ... I may have lost it. Just a little.

When he said that, I walked back towards the back of the room. I saw Caleb and Levi walking out, but I didn't care. I felt like my vision was red. Blurry. Why did I get so upset over this? It's Ezra. Duh.

When the guy had forgotten about me, I walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around, looking pissed off even though I haven't even done anything.

"The hell you wa—" I cut him off kid sentence to punch him— straight in the nose. I heard a crack against my fist, and the gush of blood. I looked back at my fist, and realized it was covered in blood.

He was leaning against a wall, talking to Ezra before that, but I made sure to not punch him into Ezra. His head hit the wall, and he recoiled onto the floor in front of Ezra. Ezra looked at me, looking scared, but thankful in a way.

He got up, and stood by my feet. He grabbed my collar and pulled me up. He was taller than me, but he looked real skinny. He threatened me with his fist. I really couldn't take him seriously with his nose all busted like that. It took everything in me not to laugh.

He tilted his head, and clenched his jaw. He got all up into my face. I tried to keep my expression smug.

"Oh you think this is funny pretty boy?" He said, clearly irritated.

I bursted out laughing. I didn't care that he would beat me up. I didn't care there where a bunch of people recording. And I didn't care that Ezra was just standing there, dumbfounded.

I grabbed his wrist and pulled myself up.

"Wanna tell me what you where saying to him?" I said in a cheery but passively aggressive manner, pointing to Ezra.

Ezra was clutching his heart, probably startled.

The guy shrugged, and looked back at me. "I dunno." He said. "Why do you care?"

I smiled, and took his collar. His grip loosened on mine.

"Ohh~ I don't know... maybe because I don't want some random prick picking on someone I care about!" My voice was still passive aggressively cheerful.

He grumbled.

"Your punch was fuckin' weak." He said, chuckling. I tapped his nose with the back of my knuckle, and it was clearly broken.

"Hmm... your nose being broken says otherwise..." I hissed. Some of the students standing around us gasped and gawked at my words.

He frowned.

I was preparing for another punch, when I felt someone tug on my sleeve. I looked over and it was Ezra.

(S-Stop, Felix... this isn't you.. jk)

"Dude— your almost 18... you could go to jail for this you know..." he whispered.

I sighed. Ezra's right— but if it was anyone but him telling me that I probably would've continued punching him.

I threw him to the ground, and bent over him.

"Don't mess with me or him. Unless you want more than a broken nose." I said, smiling. He quickly nodded.

I felt Ezra grab my arm and pull me away, and towards the exit.

Once we got outside, and down the houses street, he stopped and stood in front of me, crossing his arms.

"What?" I asked him, sounding confused.

He took a step closer, and pulled me down by my collar.

"Did you have to punch him in the face?! You broke his nose. His family can and will press charges against you." He said, frowning.

Our faces are so close. It would be so easy to lean forward less than an inch, and kiss him. But I'm not that low.

"I don't care." I say flatly. "Let them."

"You will care."

"But I don't."

He groaned. "Why did you even punch him anyway?"

"'Cause he was messin' with you." I say like it's obvious.

"I was fine."

"No the hell you weren't." I scoffed. "He was either gonna fight you or trying to hit on you. And I don't like either of those options." I say, furrowing my brows.

He rolled his eyes. "Felix— it was fine. You didn't have to get yourself involved." He sighed, and his grip on my collar loosened. "I'm just glad you weren't hurt.." he mumbled.

I thought long and hard about not kissing him. But. Before I knew it, he pulled me closer.

His left hand was on my collar, and his right was on my cheek.

Holy shit was this actually happening.

His lips where warm— they where a little chap but I didn't really care. My arms flopped to my side from wherever they where before, I don't know. But how is this actually happening.

I didn't have time to prepare. This is far from my first kiss, but this is my first kiss with someone I actually like. Someone I wanted to ask out instead of the other way around. I was more than happy.

It didn't last as long as I would've preferred, but it's fine. It was more than enough. Great even. When did I fall so hard? I face planted into this guy and didn't even notice. I knew I liked him— but how much. A lot apparently.

All I could do was stare, speechless. My face was probably flushed or something. I seriously can't tell.

Help. Why am I so awkward. I can be flirty if I don't know that he likes me, but not like this. Not like this.

He's just staring at me— blank faced.

After a moment, he grabs my wrist and starts walking again. Down the street and to the main road.

I'm probably grinning like a maniac.

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