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Levi (at party)

"Hey— stop shoving!" I say, pushing myself against Ezra. He's way stronger than me though— track and stuff.

"You promised you would go! And I don't even care if you sit under the totally not spiked punch table the whole time, just get into the freaking house!" All it took was one big shove. I landed on my knees, but I was in the house.

No one was looking at us— the music was to loud to hear me falling anyway. Caleb and Felix waltzed in like they owned the place.

Ezra dragged me up, pulling on my shoulders. I stood and he dragged me until we were walking next to Caleb and Felix again.

"Where was that punch?" I asked.

Caleb looked around. He bumped me on the shoulder and pointed to a table in the corner of the room. Their where a few people there, but since it was only six.. and technically we're still underage it's no wonder that not many people are over there.

I might be there later if Ezra decides to play gate keeper on me.

After a little while, I was alone. I didn't know anyone around me. Felix, Ezra, and Caleb all disappeared.

My dad doesn't know I'm here. Not like it matters anyway. I'll probably be back before him.

I don't wanna sound like one of those pity party people— but it really is true. I don't see my dad at all besides in the morning. Which is more than some people— I should be grateful.

But.. I really miss him. I really do.

I also miss my mom. But.. I don't really have many memories of her. I think I just miss having a mom. Or.. I think I would just like to have a mom.

She passed away when me and Lexi where around 7. I don't remember much about her.. but all I know is she was kind. Very kind.. my dad loved her to death. After she died, my dad had to keep busy to prevent himself from drinking. So he picked up 2 full time jobs, and hired a baby sitter until me and my sister where 12. Then we where on our own.

I shouldn't be ungrateful. I have it better than loads of people. Like Caleb. I need to be grateful for my situation.

Why am I even talking about this?

The music is so loud. My thoughts are being drowned out. I find myself drawing nearer and nearer to the 'punch' table. So close.

It's close. The table. What am I doing?

I ask myself that a lot. I wonder why.

Oh. Oops. I poured a glass.

That's not an oops. I'm already blacking out and I'm not even on anything.


I take a sip of it. Yeah it's definitely spiked. I can't tell with what though— I'm guessing some cheap liquor from the local drug store. It smells gross.

I take another sip. And another. Until the first red, plastic solo cup is empty.

My head already hurts. But that won't stop me.

I pour another cup, and it goes down just as fast as the last.

Then another.

And another.

I should really stop. I need to find someone before I black out. It takes a second for the drinks to actually kick in— so I need to find somebody. Quick.

Another cup won't hurt.

... one more.

My head is pounding. Like a knocking on my skull.




My head hurts. Really hurts.

I look through the crowd.. my vision is blurry.

I can't hear anything. The musics to loud. I cant even understand what it's saying.




I keep searching— more frantically.

The crowds faces blend together. Everything's a blur. Everything.

My hands are shaking.

My knees are weak.

I need to find someone. Anyone.

"Levi!" I hear a familiar voice from behind me.

I look over.

Blonde hair.
Amber colored eyes.

"Levi—" the voice said again. He put his hands on my shoulders, and shook me slightly.

I can feel my eyes closing. I snap them back open.

"Caleb..?" The lights are blinding.

Caleb nodded. He seemed... calmer. He didn't look like he hated me anymore. I don't know why.

I stumbled forwards, and landed on his shoulder. I was sure he would beat me up— but I didn't care. I couldn't even stand. I was seeing stars.

"Levi. Don't puke on my shoulder." He muttered. He, I'm assuming reluctantly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up. I stepped closer, so I wouldn't fall.

"...mm.. I won't.." I mumbled. I feel like shit— I can hardly talk. I sound like I'm about to puke.

"Yeah.. I don't believe you. Not for one second." He quickly pulled on my hand. In a few seconds, the music fades.

He stepped in front of me, and turned his back.

"Get on." He said flatly. He waved his arm.

I trudged forward and leaned my forehead on his back. That's all I could manage.

He groaned, and grabbed my legs. He pulled me up, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I leaned my forehead on his shoulder.

"Fucking idiot." He mumbled.

My eyes closed.

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