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I closed my eyes.

"Caleb..." I mumbled.

He looked towards me.

"Your beds soft..." I pushed my face further into the pillow. I must be really tired.

He groaned and pushed in my leg.

"Both of you just leave!" He shouted, but he quickly covered his mouth.

I heard footsteps coming from downstairs.

"Both of you— get into the closet. Now." He said, panicked.

Before I had time to object— Felix dragged me into the closet and quietly shut the door. I didn't exactly know what was going on— I still had the pillow in my hands.

I heard the door crash open.

"What's with the yelling?!" A woman's booming voice came from the other side of the closet door.

Caleb didn't reply.

I heard more crashing, banging, pulling, and yelling. I heard Caleb yelp.

Her voice came back. "Stop. Yelling." She said strictly. It sounded like she was saying it through her teeth.

After a moment— I heard the door slam. Caleb opened the closed door— and his cheek was swollen, like he had been slapped.

I immediately stepped out and got close to him. I reached my hand out but didn't touch his face.

"What happened..?" I mumbled.

"Take a wild guess." He said, surprisingly not stepping back. "Please... both of you.. leave." He sounded pleading.

I quickly nodded— feeling ashamed— and headed towards the balcony door, followed by Felix.

I slowly climbed back down the rope, and my shoes hit the cold, wet grass. I looked up, and Felix jumped down.

Caleb was looking over the railing.

When Felix hit the ground, he grabbed my sleeve, and we both walked across the street. I heard the balcony door shut.

I feel awful— I honestly had no idea his mom was like that.

Me and Felix walked in silence, knowing what had just occurred.

After what felt like an eternity— I made it home. When I was walking towards the front door— Felix pulled on my sleeve again.

"Levi." He said quietly.

I nodded, showing I was listening.

"I... need to ask a favor.." he let go of my sleeves and fiddled with his fingers.

I turned around to face him and tilted my head.

"Both me and Caleb plan on going to that party on Friday... I would... appreciate it if you talked to Caleb... about... Y'know.. you.. and— just tell him that you don't think he's a burden. I have no idea why... but I feel like your words get more into his head than mine."

I nod, and head inside.


I cant sleep. I've been trying since I got into bed— but I've had my eyes closed for so long— no sleep.

I roll over to face my alarm clock— 5:43 AM. I usually wake up at 7. But what's the harm if I decide to wake up early. Or— get up early I guess. I might look like shit but who do I have to impress?

I get up and head downstairs. When I look in the mirror— dark bags circle my eyes, my hair was frizzy, and my face was pale.

I flattened my hair, and washed my face, pulling my sleeves up so they don't get wet.

I walk back to my room and pick out some clothes— a collard blue shirt, black jeans, my converse, and a gold necklace I got from a local jewelry store.

I put it on, and grab my bags. It's still only about 6... so.. I think I'm gonna go for a walk.


After kicking rocks for 2 hours outside of the school— 1 I know that Daniel Roberts gets here at 7 every morning— and 2, I have a lot more patience.

When those stupid doors opened it was like seeing water after running a marathon in the desert.

The first thing I see is a new poster about the school dance— it's only the first week of school and there's already plans for a dance?? That's odd. Anyway, it's supposed to be on October 15th, around a month from now.

I take a mental note.

I sit in the commons and wait for Ezra. He drives to school— like most kids— but he's usually pretty early.

My school starts at nine, but the doors open at eight thirty. Ezra gets here about five minutes after it opens.

So— five minutes later I look for the blue hair in the crowd.

"What are you doing here so early?" Ezra says, emerging from the busy hall and into the semi-empty commons.

I shrugged. "Couldn't sleep. I got here at like, six thirty."

Ezra looked like he had seen a ghost, but then calmed down. "So that's why you look dead?" He asked, tilting his head and crossing his arms.

I groaned and put my head in my hands.

"Let's go. I need to grab something from my locker." I stood up— and we both walked to his locker.

After a few moments of walking, I get a notification from my sister.
Lexi: where are u

Levi: I'm at the school
Levi: I'm with Ezra

Lexi: oh ok
Lexi: don't skip today

Levi: k
Before I knew it, we where there.

"Plan on going to the dance thing with anyone?" Ezra asked, turning the dials on his locker.

"Nah. No one in particular." I shrugged.

He lugged some papers out of his bag and into his locker— getting out his flute. He's in band— and plays the flute. He's pretty good honestly. I'm sure Felix would go crazy over it.

"Oh? Alright. Eh.. shouldn't be shocked anyway." He mumbled, closing his locker.

As we walked down the hall— it grew less and less busy. We walked out by where the band room is— it's in a separate building still on the campus— and I waved Ezra off.

I walked back towards my homeroom, not exactly excited to see Caleb.

I was one of the last people in class. I dragged my feet over to my desk, where Caleb already sat. I set my bag down next to my chair, and slumped in my seat, leaning over the desk.

Caleb but his elbow on the desk and looked away from me.


I'm always up on the roof before Ezra. My class is extremely close to the roof entrance, so since I bring my own lunch I just walk up there. Ezra's class is all the way across Campus and on top of that he usually gets school lunch. I think he's part of the reason the time changed from 20 minutes to 30 minutes. Honestly I'm surprised they even found that much time— most of the teachers are stingy about that.

Around five minutes after I sit down and start eating, Ezra opens the roof entrance door and walks over to me. He sets his stuff down and sits to my left.

We talk about classes for a moment— but less than 2 minutes later, the roof door swings open, and someone's behind it.

The person quickly walks over to us, and stands above me and Ezra.

Holy shit— it's Felix.

"Ezra. Will you go to the dance with me?"

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