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My hometown meet was after school today. After my little chat with Levi, it was just normal class stuff.

Pretty much immediately after school, I booked it to the locker room, changed into some basketball shorts and a white shirt with some random music notes on it.

I walked out onto the felid and the first thing I see is my best friend sitting with the guy I despise. I ran over there.

"Felix!" I said, fuming.

Felix turned his head towards me innocently and smiled.

"Hey Caleb~! Care to join our little chat?"

I ran over to him and scowled. I glanced at Levi.

"Why are you with him?" I grumbled.

"Because... remember that guy I told you about? The one with the blue and brown hair?" Felix smiled widely.

I tilted my head. "Ezra?"

"Levi here happens to be his best friend!" He said, grabbing Levi's shoulder and bringing him into a sort of side hug.

I rubbed my temple.

"You have got to be kidding me..." I mumbled.

Levi looked up at me and smiled sheepishly. I glared at him.

"Whatever. Ezra's in shotput right? I'll see him then." I sighed and ran off.


After the meet, me and Felix where planning on getting milkshakes. I guess he decided it was a good idea to bring Ezra and Levi along, because when I got there, his arm was around Ezra, and Levi was sitting across from them. Which leaves the open seat next to Levi the only one...

I grumbled and quickly sat next to him. I crossed my arms and didn't make eye contact.

"What the hell do you think your doing—!" Ezra shouted as he tried to push Felix back. It was hard to believe this red mess was my biggest competition in track... maybe I need Felix to escort me to the felid.

"I'm trying to hug my boyfriend!" He said, persisting.

"I am not your boyfriend—! What the fu— get off me!" He yelled, giving him one huge shove. He almost fell backwards.

Felix pouted. He crossed his arms childishly and looked away from Ezra. Ezra looked like an absolute tomato.

"... anyway now that Caleb's here we can order..." Levi said quietly, looking down.

One of the waiters came up to us and asked what we would like.

Ezra got a chocolate milkshake, me and Felix got a cookies and cream one, and Levi got strawberry.

"Hey~! That looks good..." Felix said, staring at Ezra's milkshake. "Can I have a sip?" He tilted his head and smiled innocently.

"No." Ezra said flatly.

Felix doesn't know what that word means. He leaned over and took a sip from the straw that was in Ezra's hand. Ezra's face turned a deep red, and he did nothing.

Levi rubbed his temple.

"This is painful..." he muttered.

I couldn't help but chuckle. Wait... no.. it's Levi. You can laugh at Levi's comments.

I looked away grimly and took a sip, frowning. The milkshake was quite good though.

I looked at Felix.

"When did you even have time to invite them? Ezra competed after me."

"Oh! I invited Levi before it started~! And Ezra was planning to go to Levi's after so it worked out!" Felix smiled and put his arm around Ezra again, as if he didn't just push him away. Ezra scowled.

"Ok but why did you invite them." I said coldy. I saw Levi flinch, he fiddled with his fingers.

Felix looked at me angrily. He let go of Ezra.

"You've got some nerve. I know you don't hate Ezra but you have absolutely no reason to hate Levi." He rose in his seat, and slapped his hand on the table infront of me. "He has been nothing but kind to you and you treat him worse than shit. Just because he doesn't try in school doesn't mean he's like all of those arrogant people your always going off on."

Levi awkwardly looked away, his face slightly red. Felix sat back down and crossed his legs.

I was pretty shocked. But... he was right. I have no reason to hate Levi...

"I—..." I looked over to Levi.

"I should probably go... I'm sorry..." he said. He quickly stood up. He bowed, and before anyone could object, he walked out.

Ezra looked like he would explode.

Felix glared at me.

"Look what you did. He feels like he's a burden for even hanging out with us. He hardly knows me or you and he thinks we hate him!" He looked over at Ezra.

"We should go." He said sternly, unlike his normal flirty tone when talking to Ezra. He picked up on it, and didn't object.

I was alone. Standing like a fool in the middle of a busy milk shake place. God damn it... why do I always do this.

I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow.

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