chpt 43

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Sterling Rucco-
Im tired, dehydrated, starving, hurt. In pain. So much pain.

"You look horrible, baby Sterl." My fath-Armando says.

"I wonder why." I seethe, my eyes darting up at him.

"It's officially been 2 days since you've been with me. Father and daughter reunite. Isn't this just beautiful?" He chuckles.

"You've been torturing me! I thought you were gone!" I yell, as his words make me break.

"Watch your tone, before I do something I won't regret." He says, grabbing my chin and tilting my head up.

I wince as he drags a finger over the small sliced wound on my cheek, "I mean, you've grown so much. Your body has changed even more. You're grown now. You're of age."

"You're my father. I didn't like it then and I sure as hell wouldn't want it now. Not ever." I mumble.

"Good thing I don't give a fuck about your feelings, baby Sterl."

"You never did." I say as a tear strokes my cheek.

Opening up to Raffaele about things had made me a bit more emotional than normal, and Armando is the tip of the iceberg.

"Don't think like that..everything I did was for your sake." He says, creasing his brows.

"No, it wasn't." I reply. "Making me kill my first boyfriend to become less emotional was not for my sake, letting me get used and pregnant by your friends, you taking advantage of me, you hurting me, you hurting mom...none of it was for my sake. It was for yours."

"You don't even make sense."

"Yes, I do. You did all of this so I would turn out heartless and broken. You ran a mafia behind my back, and you were just secretly training me for it." I slightly shake my head, trying not to give myself a concussion.

"I found out about everything while I was with Raffaele. He treated me right. He loved me. I loved him. Fuck, I still do." I mutter, "You're the reason why I can't have anything and you love that you have that power over me. You wanna kill me? Kill me. I have nothing anymore, I have nothing when i'm with you."

Armando's nostrils flare as his face turns red with anger, "Speaking of, I found out where Raffaele was hiding. Make him feel welcome when he gets here." He changes the subject before injecting a needle into my arm.

I look down at it and then back up at him. I don't speak but my mouth is open in shock. I've always hated needles.

Suddenly, his voice echos through my head but the words don't follow. My eyes feel heavy and my mind becomes drowsy.

Then black.
Raffaele Bianchi-

"What's wrong with you?" Dante asks, looking over at me.

"Nothing. Just have a lot on my mind." I respond, keeping my eyes on the paper in front of me.

We had another meeting today, me and the whole mafia. Including the extra one.

I have to sit across from Alani and she keeps looking at me with 'Fuck me' eyes. I told her to keep her mouth shut but I whole heartedly don't believe she will.

"Ever since Sterling left, right?" Paolo says, nodding his head.

I look up at him with an upset face which causes him to back down. He always finds a way to piss me off.

"Meetings over, everyone go home." I sigh, standing up from my seat and leveling the papers.

Everyone grabs their stuff and leaves as I stay behind to gather my stuff and clean up. I still need to go get Sterling that new phone.

Once I get close to finishing everything I need to do, I hear a smash.

i immediately pull out my gun and slowly walk towards the sound. "Who the fuck is it?"

"Don't play games and come out." I say rounding the corner to where broken glass lays.

"I don't play games, but don't keep your guard down." I hear a familiar voice say from behind me before I feel a pinch in my neck.

I feel frozen. I try to turn around my only my head goes, and that's when i realize there's a needle in it.

I start to feel hazy and my eyes get drowsy. "Sleep tight, son in law." The guys chuckles as black clouds my vision.
What the fuck.

I'm sore as hell and this room is so dim. My eyes are trying to adjust to it.

I keep attempting to squint my eyes open as I see a figure sitting across from me in a chair. Then another person to my left, sitting and watching us.

"Raffaele! You're awake!" A familiar voice exclaims as the figure in front of me starts moving.

To be honest, they seem oddly familiar. The length of their hair as it cascades down the chair, their height when theyre sat, the pitch of their voice, the way they said my name. Sterling.

"Sterling?" I question, "W-what are you doing here?"

"Just be quiet, please." She mutters as she turns her head to the person beside us.

"Where the fuck are we?" I ask as I trie to wiggle myself out of the tight rope with chains over it.

"Where you belong." The man beside us says, standing up from his chair. "Hell."

I recognize that voice. I've been hearing it for the past 5 years.


"You fucking wish." I spit.

"Seems like you have quite a mouth too, huh?" Armando says, walking closer. "It's be a shame if I cut your tongue off."

"Don't be disgusting. It's painful but not very effective. I'll just make noise." I seethe.

"Don't hate the player but hate the game." He shrugs.

"Let her go. Keep me." I say, nodding my head towards a distraught Sterling infront of me.

I can see her forehead laced with sweat and blood on her face and other areas. Well, I assume it's blood because it's darker and wetter looking.

"He won-" Sterlings cut off with a slap to her face, the side where I seen a wound on.

"Don't fucking touch her again." I seethe, "I swear to God Armando, as soon as I get out of here you're dead. No waiting this time."

"Adorable of you to think you can kill me. My mafia will just be all over you...and her." He chuckles, grabbing her chin.

She shuts her eyes and clamps her lips shut to muffle her sobs.

"Don't cry, your boyfriend is here now." Her father says, running his knife over another part of her face. Above her eyebrow but it's really small.

"It's not even your mafia, and i won't hesitate to kill you in a heartbeat." I say.

"Are you threatening me, Mr. Bianchi?" He asks, walking towards me w the knife in hand.

"It's a promise."

He lightly chuckles before running the knife across my cheek too.

I hold in a loud groan and clamp my lips together. Showing weakness makes you vulnerable.

"Took it like a man. How things should always be." He nods.

"Fucking die." Sterling speaks up.

"We all know it's gonna be you first, princess."

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