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Your Holiness? Thunder God? Thunder Daddy? I am your son's uncle Joel, do not ignore me!

The voice sounded familiar so Joel listened in to it, trying to put his finger on where he knew the voice from.

Look, I'm cutting to the chase, listen or don't but it would do you well to listen.

If he could only remember where he recognised the voice.

Sausage and Hermes are in danger, on the Faction Isle. We will be arriving soon but we request your help. Come if you hear this, for your son and friend.

Was it Scott's brother?

"Joel, what's wrong?" Lizzie asked, her husband had zoned out.

"Someone with my coin, Acho Denholm I think, is saying Hermes and Sausage are in danger. I want to check on them Liz," Joel replied, focusing in more on the voice.

Anyway, I hope to see you soon. Oh and it's Acho by the way, Sausage's husband's brother.

"Okay, it's definitely Acho, Liz, I know we only got home today but..." Joel started.

"Let's go."

"You're sure?"

"Yes Joel! Let's go!" Lizzie shoved her husband in the shoulder.

Back on the boat, Acho set the coin down, "It's out of my hands now, let's hope it worked."

"It definitely did," Came a voice from behind Acho.

"Joel!" Acho jumped, spinning to face him, "Lizzie! Oh thank Gods!"

"My son and friend?" Joel's voice was tense.

Alex spoke up, he felt like he owed Joel the explanation from his own mouth.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now