The Plan

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"Why the hell do you have so many crowns? Your bounty must be incredibly high if you have stolen this much from literal royalty," Sausage eyed the Heron captain from the side of the room as Scott dumped out a bag of very regal looking clothes and very expensive jewelry.

"Funny story actually, see the little insignia along the top? That's my insignia, I chose that pattern fifteen years ago for my first official crown," Scott smiled sheepishly, holding the crown in his hands.

"Sorry? You're- That means that- Are you- Prince?" Kyle sputtered, "Can a non-Kestrel please freak out about this? Why are Sausage and I the only ones shocked about this? That makes Acho a prince too right-?" Kyle looked between the rest of the pirates, his captain staring blankly as he tried to comprehend this new information.

"I'll explain everything and answer your questions afterwards, just grab a crown and pray it fits your head," Scott set his crown to the side and handed Owen the tiara that had belonged to her mother before the Heron had run away, "Duchess."

"Never thought I'd hear that, especially after I came out and ran," Owen rolled his eyes as he rummaged through Scott's closet, pulling out a ballgown she definitely didn't steal from her mother and definitely didn't hide it in her captain's walk-in closet to avoid it being found if their ship was raided. Definitely not.

"Right, Sausage, Kyle, you two are fine in what you're wearing, Kestrels can blend into the upper class society with ease," Scott pointed towards two crowns for the duo.

"Will and Acho can share the clothes Acho stole from me when we were younger. And yes Acho, I do know it's in your old room on this ship so don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about," Scott handed Acho star's state crown and a second crown to Will that belonged to Acho.

"Owen, your mother's old clothes are fine, I'll do your hair in a minute," Scott smiled softly to his friend, "And don't worry, we'll get Gabriel back, I promise."

"Kuervo, I am fully aware how much you stole from the Royal Family of Naya, so I trust you have enough," Scott watched Kuervo nod in understanding.

"Anyway, dress and reconvene in ten minutes, Acho, stay here please," Scott dismissed everyone.

"So-" Acho was cut off by star's brother pulling star into a hug.

"I'm proud of you."

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now