Family Dinner

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"Her Majesty, Queen Amber and His Royal Highness, Prince Jacob, the Prince Consort," the pageboy announced the Queen and Prince Consort of Avias.

Amber and Jacob sat at the head of the short table, smiling excitedly.

"Stars Royal Highness, Prince Acho and His Grace, Duchess Owen," the pageboy announced the prince and the prince's flirtationship.

Acho led Owen and they sat on the left of the couple, excited to relax with family.

"His Royal Highness Prince Scott and Mr. Flam," the third 'couple' was announced by the pageboy.

Scott and his queer platonic boyfriend entered and sat to the right of his sister and brother-in-law, holding hands.

"I've missed eating together with you two, it's been far too long," Amber sighed, smiling at her family.

"If you tried getting all of our partners around a table you'll have a heart attack, too many, too chaotic," Acho joked causing Owen to snort.

Owen quickly covered her mouth, looking down in embarrassment, a soft giggle escaping her lips.

"That is absolutely adorable, I'm from a family of snorters personally, my sisters are all snorters and so is my Aunt Nora," Jacob smiled, taking a sip of his wine.

"Oh I remember your Aunt Nora, she had the cutest little giggle too!" Scott stimmed excitedly, tapping his thumbs together.

"Sweetest lady, she still has that portrait of her you painted when you came to visit is the year before you ran away," Jacob set his wine down and turned to talk to his older brother-in-law and long lost friend.

Owen started to talk with Acho so Amber moved to talk to Flam, "Hello!"

Flam signed hello, fidgeting with his fingers and sleeves.

"Are you alright?" The queen set her hands on the table, smiling gently.

"Sensory overload," Flam mumbled, tapping their fingers on the table.

"Oh dear, Amilen, could you turn off the music and blow out some of the candles?" Amber asked, resting her hands on her lap.

"Don't worry about me..." the blue haired boy whispered, picking at the skin of their thumbs.

"It's alright dear, just focus on me," the two muttered a soft conversation until the food arrived.

"Darling, are you alright?" Scott asked after Amber returned to her seat.

"Senses icky, feeling better," Flam accepted a gentle kiss on the cheek from Scott.

"I promise I'll make sure you feel better," Scott promised as the dinner continued for a few hours.

And here Scott was, standing inside of Alex's room to keep his promise.

"Are you sure this is alright?" Flam asked, one of Scott's hoodies donning his body.

"Of course dear, you are just as much a part of this relationship as we are Flam, come get affection dear," Sausage held open his arms, smiling softly as Flam fell into his loving embrace.

"And how have you been feeling Scott?" Alex whispered, holding Scott in a hug from behind.

"I've been feeling really down lately, but that's fine I guess," the prince leaned into the affection.

"If it gets bad again then you talk to me, alright?"

Scott didn't respond.

"I'm serious Baby, you talk to me, okay?"


Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora