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"If I may have your attention please!" Owen called, shushing the crowd, "I would like to officially begin the dances of tonight. Kristen and Scott for a grandmother and grandson dance. Hermes and Sausage for a father and son dance. And finally Amber and Alex for a sister-in-law and brother-in-law dance!"

Kristen took Scott's hand and led him to the middle of the floor.

Hermes dragged his Papa beside the duo.

Amber took Alex's offered hand and let him lead the way.

"I'm so proud of you Scott," Kristen smiled proudly as the music began, letting her grandson lead.

"Thanks Mumza, I never thought I'd see this day," Scott revealed, blinking back tears in his eyes.

"Don't let your mind go to those dark places baby, enjoy your day yeah?" Kristen booped Scott's nose gently.

"Alright, yeah, you're right."

"I do tend to be Scott," she chuckled.

"Hermes, thank you for being here today, it means the world to me that I could have you hear on my special day," Sausage had missed a lot of his son's life but he planned on seeing him a lot more.

"Papa, I wouldn't have it any other way," Hermes smiled in return to his father, "Congratulations Papa."

"Gracias mi hijo (thank you my son)," Sausage smiled, holding his son close to him as they danced.

"Thank you for agreeing to dance with me," Alex hadn't had any of his biological family at the wedding and he really thought he'd be left out of this part.

"You are crazy if you think I'd have denied you this, you are my family, now and always," Amber promised, spinning around under Alex's arm.

What Alex couldn't see but Kristen and Hermes could was his mother's ghostly figure, smiling as she watched her son dance at his wedding. She'd see him soon on the mortal plain even if it meant asking for a favour from the death goddess whose grandson her son has just married.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Where stories live. Discover now