Faction Day

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Faction Day is one of the best days of the year for the pirates and it happened to fall a few weeks after the new recruits had settled in, it is also one of the most important.

"Hey, it's Callum right? I haven't seen you since Recruitment Day," Scott was sat at the Heron stall, he was very visibly pregnant as his immortal grandparents meant a faster gestational period, so he didn't walk around as much as he did the last Faction Day.

"Yeah, it's Callum and I know, I've not seen much of anyone outside my faction actually, been out at sea or at the Kite Base. Though I hear congratulations are in order," Callum took a seat next to Scott.

"Thanks, little one is a kicker like her Papa," he chuckled, turning to gesture towards the stall, "Welcome to our stall by the way, we've got books and maps and everything."

At the Nightingale stall, Will was telling a story with Shep about the day that they met. The focus of the story was the fact that their parents hated each other and yet the boys had become inseperable. Will was fourteen at the time and Shep was no older than seven.

The Kestrels had jewellery for sale, rings, bracelets, necklaces, the works. One caught Owen's eye, an orange gem set into a golden chain.

He begrudgingly pulled out one hundred gold coins and handed them over to Ausbie, who gave her the necklace and a flirtatious wink.

Finally, there were the Kites, who had a sparring ring and various weaponry on display.

"Care for a spar Sausage?" Acho offered, removing star's jacket.

"Of course!"

So you see, Faction Day is important for the Isle because it brings a wave of togetherness and comradery between the different factions.

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