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The Kingdom of Avias was silent and the clock ticked ever closer to midnight, not a soul did stir except for the guards of the Royal Palace, or that's what everyone had assumed.

Crowned Prince Scott Aldrich Axley Lucas Denholm lay awake in his bed as he waited desperately for the sound of the belltower tolling in the distance.

Across their shared room, Prince Acho Zachariah Geoffrey George Denholm rolled over yet again as they pretended to sleep until star was given the all clear.

From the distance, the two princes heard a low bong ring out across the silent night.

First toll.

"Come on Acho, bud, we are going to get out of here," Scott sat up, strapping a dagger to his thigh, beneath his cloak. Better safe than sorry.

Second toll.

"Scott? What about Amber?" This was a question Scott has not yet answered for his sibling, why wasn't their sister coming with them?

Third toll.

The oldest of the royal siblings sighed, "She knows about what we are doing bud, but Amber has to stay, did you pack the bag like I asked?"

Fourth toll.

"Yes." Scott understood the pain in his youngest sibling's voice, they both loved their sister but they couldn't stay in Avias any longer.

Fifth toll.

The nineteen year old heir to the Kingdom of Avias grabbed his bag, his thirteen year old sibling doing the same with less hesitation than Scott had anticipated for.

Sixth toll.

Halfway there. They were running out of time.

Seventh toll.

"Put on your cloak and grab your dagger Acho," Scott tossed the black cloak towards star, watching his brother did as he was told.

Eighth toll.

"Done." There was still a twang of pain in Acho's voice that broke Scott's heart.

Ninth toll.

Silence. Both heirs stood in each other's arms as they took in their room for one last moment.

Tenth toll.

"Ready?" Scott asked.

Eleventh toll.

"Ready." Acho replied.

Twelfth toll.

Midnight. It was go time. The two siblings disappeared from their bedroom, never to return to that horrible tower room again.

Royal or Rebel (A Disgraced Prince Scott AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora