When Can I get You Back?

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"I'm serious. I love you Onika."

My eyes widened and I looked elsewhere. She wasn't the one to get all emotional, yet say those three words.

Her face dropped, "I know it's gone be awhile before you say it back. But I wanted you to know how I feel, even if I don't show it accurately..." She trailed off and looked behind her.

She had taken me to DisneyLand, a place I always wanted to visit since I was a little girl.
Princesses were now roaming all around the small crowd we were in.

"There go Tiana," She looked back at me and smiled, "Your favorite."

I smiled back and she grabbed my hand, "Let's go say hey."

And we did so. We said hey to more than Tiana though. All of the women I looked up to as a kid was now here. And I still felt like that little girl, smiling ear to ear.

Beyonce only watched me and smiled even more. That singular dimple coming out and those eyes going small from how hard she was smiling.

"I love seeing you like this." She admitted.

"Is that so?"

She chuckled lowly, "I know I know."

I shrugged, "What did you see in her?"


"That girl. That was in your apartment... Was it something I was missing that you saw in her?"

"Oh—I-it was nothing missing from you.. You work a lot and I just—y'know."

"I don't know but okay. I understand, I guess."

I saw her frowned and I slightly tightened my hand grip, "I get it, a little. We're young and maybe this relationship is too soon for you. Just be honest with me more, ok?"

"I promi—"

"What I say about those? Just promise yourself first before trying to promise me anything."

She smiled slyly, "You're right."

"I'm already knowing." I say.


"Whatcha' thinking about?" Beyonce asked me.

I looked up at her and squinted, "Stop the facade... I know you don't give a damn."

"You're my wife of—"

I chuckled bitterly, "I'm your wife? That's some joke or sumthin'?"

She flicked her nose, "Who the fuck you talking to like that."

If I said something, i'll get hit. If I kept quiet, i'll get hit.

I looked back down, "I don't know."

She scoffed, "And you wonder why. You always got some slick shit to say. Told you I can't control when i'm that mad."

"Get some damn help then!" I got up and stood right at her chest.

"Help is man, and man can't do a damn thang for me."

"That's what any self centered asshole would say."

She shot me a deadly look and grinned.

"That shit kinda turns me on but you may think shit sweet and y'know what would happen then."

She checked her watch, "I gotta go anyways," She kissed my cheek, "Have my dinner ready when I make it and be laid down by time i've finished." She shot me a wink before she left out.

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