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Y/n answered the phone.

"Finally! Where are you Ajax?? Me and Y/n are worried sick!" Thoma shouted through the phone.

Y/n heart sped up, as his breath sped up. He didn't know what to say, or if he should say anything at all.

"Master..." Y/n gently whispered. "Daddy is barely breathing..."

"Y/N!? You're supposed to be at the cab- wait, he's barely breathing!? Send your location right now!!"

Y/n put the phone on speaker, and sent the location to Thoma through Tartaglia's phone.

"Shit, that's far..." Thoma cursed a few moments later. "I'll be there soon with an ambulance, okay? Stay with Ajax, and make sure he doesn't stop breathing."

"Yes, Master."

Y/n obediently sat next to Tartaglia, and kept his eye on Tartaglia's breathing.

What seemed like days, which was only 2 hours, paramedics came with Thoma. Y/n was just patiently waiting, and watching Tartaglia.

Thoma quickly moved Y/n away, so the Paramedics could take Tartaglia, without seeing how badly Y/n's body was. Once the paramedics were gone, they started walking back to the cabin.

"Y/n." Thoma said in scolding tone. "What were you doing outside?!"

"I was worried about Daddy..." Y/n lied. "So I went looking for him, and found him in the woods."

"And that's all you were doing? Promise?"

"I promise, master."

Thoma gently picked Y/n's lips, and got him rested in bed.

"I'll come cuddle you in a moment, okay? And we'll visit Tartaglia tomorrow." Thoma smiled.

"Okay, Master." Y/n smiled back.

Y/n got comfortable in the bed, and softly sighed.

I failed... Why didn't I just leave him to die? He almost killed me...

Y/n fell asleep quickly. Thoma came and cuddled him gently. He fell asleep as well.


Y/n woken, a bit sad. He had a nice dream about living far far away from Tartaglia and Thoma. He was with Diluc, and they were cuddling, safely, on a bed together.

Thoma wasn't next to Y/n, when he awoke. There was a small note on the nightstand, and Y/n read it.

Visiting Tartaglia

Be back soon <3

- Master

Y/n sighed softly. He wasn't even going to bother to try and run away. He got up, went to the bathroom and fixed up his bandages.

Y/n decided he should go to school, and got dressed to leave back to his apartment. It was a struggle, but he managed.


Y/n arrived at his dormitory, and headed inside. He took the elevator to his floor, and went to his room.

Only to find three men standing there.

Dark blue hair, and


"Shit—" Y/n covered his mouth, but it was too late. He had gained the attention of the three men.

"Y/n?" Diluc questioned, a bit confused at Y/n's state.

"Woah, what the hell happened to you??" Kaeya asked in worry.

"Did Tartaglia do this?" Diluc growled.

"N-no! I got lost in the woods, and fell down a hill, that's it! Tartaglia and Thoma are the ones who've been taking care of me, actually." Y/n quickly lied.

"We heard that Tartaglia was in the hospital for a suicide attempt, and he would be going to the mental hospital. So, now is the time to take you far away from them." Kaeya smiled.

"I-I can't... They'll kill you—"

"Tartaglia will be gone for awhile, and Thoma can't do anything without him. This is the perfect time to escape." Diluc explained.

Y/n heart started pounding. He didn't know what the hell to do. He could leave now, and be happy with Diluc, or stay in the toxic relationship he never wanted.


"Let's go."


Y/n, Diluc, and Kaeya went back to Kaeya's and Diluc's 'home' Y/n left his clothes there, and was just going to buy some once they left town. Kaeya and Diluc lived in an abandoned building, which was even more perfect for Y/n.

They decided to stay the night there, and then catch the train in the morning. Y/n peacefully slept on Diluc's bed, as Kaeya slept in his own room.

Diluc stayed awake to keep watch.




"Hello?" Diluc answered the unknown phone call.

"Give us back Y/n, Diluc Ragnvindr." A voice over the phone growled.

Diluc assumed it was Thoma.


"Oh? No?" Thoma hummed.

"That's right."

"Alright then." Thoma nodded to himself. "I guess I'll just have to report Y/n missing. And when he's found in the abandoned apartment of weird criminals, I guess we'll get him back then."

Diluc eyes widened. His current occupation, assassin, was being blackmailed against him. But how did Thoma know that?

"You must be wondering how I know you're an assassin, along with Kaeya Alberich." Thoma smirked. "A few little birds started singing once I mentioned Tartaglia's name, but don't worry about them. You should worry about my dear Y/n, and giving him back."

Diluc clenched his fist, as he stared at Y/n's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful, and unbothered.

Diluc bite his lip. He cared for Y/n, a lot, but this was his and his brother's freedom on the line. Diluc didn't give a shit about himself, but Kaeya...


Crazy in Love - Tartaglia and Thoma x Male Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now