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Y/n was getting extremely paranoid. He felt like he saw blond and ginger hair everywhere he went. Y/n didn't understand why they wanted him.

What did they want him for? To help commit crimes? To torture?

Ours? He didn't mean... A relationship, right?
Y/n was hoping and praying that was the very last option. He would rather die.

Y/n decided to call his parents, and tell them about the strange encounters. He always did it on speaker, since he was alone.

"Y/n, you're just being paranoid. Did you take your meds?"

"Mom, seriously! I'm not hallucinating. This guy was covered in blood, and-" Y/n mumbled.

"Y/n, I know the rumors are bad, but, I think your brain is making some of this stuff up."
Y/n's mom told him.

"M-mom, please! I'm scared! Let me come home!"

"I know you want to come home, but this isn't the way to do it." Y/n's mom sighed. "Just make it through the year, and then you can come home, okay?"

If I'm still alive then, sure! Y/n sarcastically thought.

"Okay..." Y/n gave up.

Maybe his mom was right? Maybe he's just been hallucinating the encounters.

"I love you, N/n." His mom lovingly told him.

"Love you too, mom." Y/n hung up and sighed.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Y/n mumbled to himself.

He took a hot shower, and left the shower to dry off. Out the corner of his eye, he saw a camera flash. Y/n whipped his head over to the window, only to find nothing there. Luckily his butt had been facing the window.

"I'm on the second floor..." Y/n mumbled.

Y/n shook his head.

"No possible way. Nope." Y/n quickly dried off and got dressed in boxers. He laid down on his bed.

He closed his eyes, but felt another presence there. He ignored it and eventually drifted off to sleep.


Y/n felt oddly warm. He had his fan on and two windows open, so... Why was he so warm.

Y/n slowly opened his eyes, to find two almost fully naked males next to him.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Y/n screamed, as he jumped over the blond male out of the bed.

Y/n's heart was thumping as his brain was going full melt down.

"Good morning, cutie." Thoma smiled.

He stretched and yawned, being pretty cute, but Y/n's mind wasn't thinking about that.

"How did you get in here!? Leave! Leave! Leave!" Y/n demanded.

"Now, now, don't cause a ruckus so early in the morning, N/n~"

"How do you know that nickname- Were you listening to my phone call!?"

The camera flash wasn't his imagination.

"Oh, you mean this phone?" Tartaglia held up a destroyed and smashed phone. "Yeah, we were listening. Gratefully, your mom didn't take you away from us~"

The two males slipped out of Y/n's bed, revealing they were only in boxers. And, their hot bodies. They walked toward Y/n, who backed up against the door. He would've left, but he wasn't dressed.

He regretted not running away, and now, he might die because of it.

"What... Do you want from me?" Y/n quietly asked, a bit scared of the answer.

Crazy in Love - Tartaglia and Thoma x Male Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now