Chapter 3: Injuries

Start from the beginning

"Sweetheart," Chris murmurs sadly. I glare at his term of endearment but he just looks at me worriedly. I get back up on the table, deciding to ignore it for now since we're in public.

Dr. Braylie listens to my heart and lungs, looks in my ears, throat, and nose, and takes my temperature. "When was the last time you got sick?" She asks me. Cameron and Chris look at each other in confusion. Werewolfs typically don't get sick.

I drop my head, reluctant to answer her question and prove the twins right. "Last month." I tell her, continuing when she raises her eyebrows, "My temp. was 104, I was congested, my throat hurt, and I was coughing stuff up."

Cameron takes a step forward. "But, you didn't miss any work last month. You've never missed any work. I checked this morning when I was working." He says, his face scrunched up in thought.

I sigh, "I couldn't afford to miss a shift. I poured dayquil in a water bottle with some tea and honey, stuffed some cough drops in my pocket, and worked through it." Every eye in the room widens, quickly filling with astonishment.

"With your low weight and lack of a wolf, I'm guessing you got sick like that at least a few times a year." Dr. Braylie comments as she resumes checking my reflexes with a little rubber hammer. "I imagine you get a lot of headaches?" She says like a question, standing back up straight to look me in the eyes. I nod and avoid my mates gazes. "That's your body telling you it's starving." She comments, getting back to her exam. "Have you ever had a heat?" she asks. 

My cheeks go red as I nervously glance at the twins. They don't make eye contact, leaving me to answer. "No." I admit. 

She looks down at her clip board and back to me with concern. "Okay, I don't have much experience with patients losing their wolves before those formative years but I'll do some research and you can come talk to me if you want to know anything. Based off what I know about adults losing their wolves for a time, it should start up sometime after she's back. If I discover any dangerous side effects then I'll give you a call." she explains. 

I nod. Dr. Braylie's presence is comforting. I'm actually glad I never had to deal with a heat without anyone's years of knowledge available to me. 

"Okay," the doctor sits down in front of the computer and starts typing. "I've finished my initial exam. Is there anything bothering you that you want me to look at, any painful areas?" She asks.

I shake my head, assuming there was nothing left for her to check. Cameron disagrees. "There's a bump on the back of her head," he says, "and I think her back is bothering her." Neither of the things he mentions are really bothering me. I notice them, but I'm used to being injured in one way or another.

Dr. Braylie stands back up and gestures for me to hop down. "Let's take a look." I comply, just wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. The doctor runs her hand over the back of my head, stopping when she feels the bump Cameron was talking about. "When did you get this?" she asks.

I look to Cameron, wondering what I'm supposed to say. What if she asks how I got it? He shrugs his shoulders, leaving it up to me. "Saturday." I say simply. Chris grimaces slightly in my peripheral vision.

Dr. Braylie nods in understanding. "Alright. I need to look at your back now, which means-" She turns to the twins. "I need you two to leave so she can lift up her shirt." Neither of my mates look happy with the doctors words but they listen anyway, leaving me alone in the room with Dr. Braylie.

I take off my flannel and lift the back of my shirt up and over my head. The doctor looks at the bruising for a few minutes before telling me I can fix my clothes. "Did you get that Saturday too?" She asks in a knowing tone of voice. I nod, not wanting to speak and give away more. "Who?" I pause at her question.

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