Me against me

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I feel like I'll never be satisfied with myself. Or maybe I will. I don't know, but as of right now I feel like I'll just never be enough. I know that they'll always be a prettier girl, one with natural long eyelashes and gorgeous long curly hair, the kind that won't frizz up after she goes for a swim and she can throw it up into a bun carelessly without having to perfect it in a mirror. There will always be a girl smarter than me, the kind that doesn't ever make thousands of spelling errors in a text thread like me. There will always be one that has lots of money and can afford for you guys to go on multiple vacations to the beach, without needing a dime of her parents money. There will always be someone better, and maybe that's why try so hard and catch myself doing things for boys. That would disappoint the younger version of me, but like I said I don't know, because I know I will always overthink things and care because I can't do it the first time perfectly.

"Never knew that it could mean so much" - összes versemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora