A Game Of Chance

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(Okay so, before anybody gets confused or annoyed I'm making a time skip to when they all are about to leave and Vikk is going wih them. Okay? Okay. Coolio. Enjoy! ^.^)

~Time Skip~

Lachlan's P.O.V (O.O Again!?! Yes, Again --_--)

Sitting myself down on the bed I stared, taking in every single action that the Pack was doing as they got ready to leave.

While me and Vikk just chilled on the bed, both clueless on what was going on as the rest rushed about.

But from what i heard correctly Matt was going with Rob, and Preston was going with Vikk.

(Oh.... I'm in Bold, well, that's awkward. Okay, CONTINUE DA STOREH!! ^.^)

"Alright Lachlan, you ready to leave?" Matt questioned. Snapping out of the little tranve i was trapped inside i shifted my position.

My eyes searvhing for Matt in tye rokm i followed his voive. Leading up to his eyes i locked eye congavt wih him.

A huge grin was spread across his fae as his eyes wre rounder than normal if that was even possible.

'If I go with them, I'll be the third wheel. It will be awkward, especially with Rob. Preson and Vikk on the her hand... Yeah...Okay'

" I-I sort of w-wanted to go with Vikk and Preston" Damnit! I stuttered. Nobody seeming to notice, I felt a breath I didn't even know I was holding blow out in relief.

"Okay suit yourself! Yo P Dog you cool with that?" Mat called out. Hope filling the smile I had just created I whipped around to see Preston nodding his head completely fine with me tagging along.

"Yeah, I'm cool with it. I have some catching up to do with my foreign fishes." Preston agreed. Nothing else needing to be said I bolted to Preston's left side.

Vikk on his right we peaced the scene. None of us having the deceny to look back and wave. I kept my eyes low.

Staring at my fingers as I twiddled my thumbs. The silence let the tension stretch even further. As soon as we were inside the elevator I was the first to speak up.

"Oi that was so awkward!" I bantered. Pausing for half a second I felt a smile grow on my lips as the tension and nerves crumple like ashes in a fireplace.

"Hell yeah it was!" Vikk agreed. Preston nodding I felt my heart fluter as both of them grew a smile on each of their lips. Not gonna lie, I'm still a

Teeny bit suspicious of the Veston action, but I'm pretty sure their just friends. For now.

"Lachlan, what's been going down lately? What with me 'Dying' I don't really know, and Vikk was in a coma for two months soo...." Preston trailed on.

Successfully striking up a conersation while Vikk litened intently, curious on what went down while he was.... Resting..

"Oh gosh where do I begin, hmm, we didnt have a funeral for you because we couldn't find your body......

Vikk fell into a coma, but you kow that. Mitch tried commiting suicide, Jerome was falling, Rob became depressed, I fell as well.

Basically as soon as you two were gone everybody fucked themselves over and tried ending it all. Not being able to live with their lives.

Preston was the reason they were put on edge. And Vikk going into.... Well, you now, it pushed us all over.

Wouldn't be surprised if everyone in that room had scars on their skin." I explained. My eyes peeking upwards I glared at their reaction.

Prestons eyes were huge, horrified of the thought as Vikk nodded his head repeatedly, thiking the thought over in his calm mind. Whenever Vikk was like that it made my heart melt.

He was just too cute, and I am so glad he is back. But for how long? How long will they actually stay? There's no guarantee. No promises.

No deals. Its all a game, a game of chance

Vikklan: 500 Apologies, 2000 TearsWhere stories live. Discover now