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Jerome's P.O.V

I let my head droop. Glaring at the sidewalk as I walked on top of it. The concrete just a huge, never ending blur of gray.

Mitch shuffled about right beside me, seeming to have the similar expression as me.

Which was no expression at all. Mitch's eyes were completely dull. As his face showed little to none emotion.

The empty,  numbing feeling gnawed at my stomach. As my mind whispered to say something. Anything. Just talk to Mitch.

"Mitch?" I spoke up. Almost immediately grabbing his attenton I watched him as he turned to look at me. A wide, sickeningky fake smile laced his lips.

"Yeah Biggums?" Mitch replied. Mitch's tone was different sounding like he was hiding something

"Are you okay?" I questioned. Interested and worried at the same time for his mental condition right now in this situation.

"Me? Nah, I'm fine. Just a little, ummm, bored I guess." Mitch shrugged it off. Completely blowing over the question I just asked.

"Okay, just, if you need anything, and I know this sounds cheesy. But I will always be here for you, and that is nothing but the absolute truth." I warned.

The smile on Mitch's face slowly faded away. Leaving only a blank expression. Letting me know he had no clue how to react to what I just said.

Which gave me the upper hand of the situation. My feet tipping to the left I followed their lead. Leaving me an inch away from Mitch.

"I love you Mitch, you already know I do. And I know that you love me too, I think..." I trailed off. Joking at the last part.

My eyes locked onto Mitch, as a huge smile lasted on my lips. Waiting for any reaction. Slowly but surely, a smile tugged at Mitch's lips.

As a little snicker escaped his nose.

"That was probably the cheesyest thing you've ever said to me Jerome." Mitch laughed. The happiness bounced around in his voice.

But I couldn't tell if it was fake or not. I hoped it wasn't.


Okay Gummy Bears, so, some of you know that I have been having trouble updating lately. Well, here is the reason.

My computer has been glitching out. Not letting me have any wifi and not update. And when I do, the timer on the computer runs out and logs me off. Leaving me with only my tablet. That is so small I can barely type when I update. And it's so old it doesn't even have auto correct.

Also, I need to apologize for the lack of updates. I know, a lot of Wattpad authors use their phones to update.

But I'm more of a computer type of girl. So sorry if I worried or disappointed any of you guys.

Sincerely, MisfortunateMC

Vikklan: 500 Apologies, 2000 TearsWhere stories live. Discover now