Chapter 5 - The Stray Devil Viser and The Doctor's Secret

Start from the beginning

Asia Argento, a nun, had arrived in Kuoh just a few days ago. For his part, Issei would run into her at a park, the two hitting it over rather well. Issei watched as Asia had the innate ability, or perhaps some blessing, to heal the wounds of the injured. By now, he had heard the term "Sacred Gear" be thrown around often. As a matter of fact, he had a sacred gear himself.

The simple issue was that he had no idea, Rias for her part either, precisely what his sacred gear was

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The simple issue was that he had no idea, Rias for her part either, precisely what his sacred gear was. The only thing Issei even knew was that One, it belonged to him, and Two, the Fallen Angels, were afraid of it.

This, however, brings us to today. Issei stands before Rias in the ORC Club Room, who looks rather displeased with him.

Rias: "You will never go near her or the church again, Issei."

Issei: "B-But why?

Rias: "Simple. For any devil, the church is considered enemy number one. Anyone would be a fool even to dare approach one alone."

Issei: "B-But Asia was so nice though... e-even if she's part of the church, s-surely we can make an exception... right?"

Rias: "No. If you had even stepped foot in that church, the problems it could have created would be terrible. Surely you felt something telling you to be cautious?"

Issei: "Well... I do remember feeling cold... a tad bit stressed even. Not to mention, my hand tightened up."

Rias: "That was your instinct telling you to be careful." She sighed and rested her hand over her eyes. "Being anywhere near a member of the church is the most dangerous position you could find yourself in. What's worse is some of its exorcists use sacred gears. If they wanted to... they could kill you."

Issei: "O-Oh..."

Rias: "Remember this... if a devil is purged, they are reduced to nothing, gone, permanently. End of the line for good and no way to bring you back." She sighed. "Do you understand?"

Issei: He sighed. "Yeah... I got it."

Akeno stepped in through the door.

Akeno: "Pardon my intrustion."

Rias: "Akeno, you're still here? I was sure you had gone home for the day."

Akeno: "I planned to, but something urgent has come up..."

Issei: (Huh? Something Urgent?)

Rias: "What is it?"

Akeno: "We've just received a message from the Archduke; a stray devil has been causing trouble nearby."

Issei: (Stray Devil?)


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