- Soaked - (PT 1)

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regressor/little - kirumi
caregiver - keebo 

Requested by @1coffeeaddict (yeah i'll never be able to @ people)


Work, work, work. 

 Working was the only thing Kirumi had been doing the entire day, and oh my god it was stressing. Cleaning may seem like a simple task, but to the maid it was like having so much pressure to finish each specific task someone gave her. Not to MENTION on how they were in a Killing game! 

 And that leads us to now, Kirumi sweeping the area's gardens as best as she could. Her mind wandered off to slipping, eyes glimmering as she pictured the feeling of being able to relax and feel comfort even for just one second. The maid quickly shook off the thought and continued to sweep. Humming to herself to put her mind off on how there was NO WAY she could regress here judging by the situation, it would be an absolute disgrace to her maid duties as well. 

 Kirumi's train of thought was interrupted by a sudden speck of rain landing onto her cheek. Then another, and another, the loop went on. Sooner enough, she had found herself drenched in rain, soaked from head to toe. Flustered, the maid put all her strength into not slipping into her younger headspace, praying nobody would come look for her. 

 She should've prayed harder. 

 "Kirumi!" A sudden voice called out. The maid's head perked up at the sudden voice. Ah, it was Keebo. 

 Clearing her throat, she started to speak. "A-ah, hello Keebo!" Kirumi cursed in her mind at the stutter. 

 Keebo, confused by the others unusual behaviour, raised an eyebrow (?). "Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little off." The robot's suspicions only increased at the response of the maid's vigorous nod as a reply. 

 Keebo sighed, lips(?) curling into a sweet smile. "Alright," he started, putting a hand on Kirumi's shoulder, "But if you ever need somebody to talk to I will always be here for you. I'll be inside."

 For some reason, Keebo's words were the breaking point for the little to regress. In a panic, Kirumi grabbed the others hand before he turned to leave, causing him to turn back in confusion. Then realisation."How did I not realise before..." Keebo muttered to himself, locking eye contact with Kirumi. 

 "Come on, let's go sweets, we should get you all cleaned up right?"


have an amazing day, drink water, eat some food, have some fun :DDD

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