- Movie Night -

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(Ahahha so i'm rewatching Ella enchanted so here)

Caregiver - Hiyoko
Little - Mahiru

By the way, this is a AU where Hiyoko moves in Mahirus house since they graduated.

Mahiru was bored. It was 7pm and she had nothing to do.  She looked around the room then saw her plushies, thats when she slipped into Little Space.

She ran over to the plushies, picked her best one (the unicorn one ^^) After that, she jumped on her bed then wrapped herself in her blanket.

Meanwhile, Hiyoko came home from her meetup with her dad. "Mahiruuu I'm homee!" She squealed as she walked into her bedroom.  

When Mahiru saw that she was home she exclaimed, "Mamaaa!" Then made grabby hands as if she wanted her to come in bed with her.  "Oh! Okay!" The younger replied then lay on bed with her.

Mahiru then pointed to the TV, "TV?" Hiyoko asked. The little nodded as Hiyoko grabbed the remote then put Netflix on the TV. 

(A/N - Why do i keep saying TV ;-;)

"What do you wanna watch?" The caregiver asked.  The red haired tapped her chin, then pointed at the movie, 'Ella Enchanted' while muttering "Mhm"  Hiyoko replied, "Okay! Ella Enchanted it is!" Then pressed play.

Sooo... After This They will be some Ella Enchanted Spoilers hehe

Both girls loved the movie, and Mahiru kept laughing everytime Ella did as told. And for some reason she hated the soon to be king. 

Spoilers Areeee  GONE!

When the movie was finished. Hiyoko looked at her girlfriend and saw that she was asleep. She smirked then slept with her aswell. "Sweet dreams Angel."

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