Intro: L is a prominent and sharp detective whose background is a mystery and he has killer instincts which always prove him right, he's a mastermind who can replicate the thought pattern of any person he wants to. The agency that handles Mr L wouldn't take small cases like this but Junpei pulled some strings for his friend and got the agency to take up this case

L: pleased to make your acquaintance Mr Ayanokouji

Ayanokouji: The feeling's mutual. So gimme the bad news I'm prepared for anything at this point.

L: Here! Listen to this audio recording. We've gone through all of the call recordings of Mrs Takamine after her disappearance and even prior and this is the only one we think is related to her disappearance

Ayanokouji takes the player, keeps the headphones on and starts playing it

Trrrr... trrrr... trrrr... (dialling tone)

Takamine: Hello Takamine Speaking

??: Yo! It's been a while, sensei, do you remember me?

Takamine: hah? And who exactly are you? If this is a prank call...(gets interrupted)

??: now, now, no need to be so cold, sensei

Don't you remember the friendly old janitor?

Takamine: Janitor?.... Kitou!

Kitou: oh, so you did remember me almost immediately, I'm glad, sensei

Takamine: how did you get my number?

Kitou: now, now, don't sweat the details. I heard you're trying to learn about Serizawa Yukhia's whereabouts. If you'd like to know, come over to my house. However, you have to come alone, no telling the cops, of course, if you do... I can't guarantee Yukiha's safety? Y'know? I'll tell you where, later see ya.

Takamine: wait a sec!

Phone hangs up

The recording stops playing

L: This is our second piece of information as to what happened to her after that call. here take a look at the cover of this DVD (hands over a DVD)

Ayanokouji is shocked to see Takamine and a girl (he presumed that she's Serizawa) nude on the cover and looks like Serizawa's pregnant in it and that is a recent one too, there are tons of emotions flowing in him right now(he's gritting his teeth controlling those emotions), he felt like breaking the DVD but he knew breaking a single DVD wouldn't do anything to the harm already had been done and also he had a plan with that dvd hoping he could find something which can make sure the bastard pay for it as a mere threat call is only punishable by 2 years or a fine according to the law

Ayanokouji: Junpei, I need your help!

Junpei: you don't have to say it. I'm already on it! we gonna find and destroy every DVD of them and also take severe actions legally as soon as possible against the distributors but the main problem is that we can't do anything about the DVDs which have already been sold out

Ayanokouji: It's alright we'll deal with that later. one step at a time. For now, first comes the bastard and how to deal with him and save the girls

L: I'm already looking into that guy and will update you about the details as soon as I find out

Ayanokouji: thanks! How about we grab a bite before we all leave?

Junpei & L: yeah sure but the bill's on you

Then they ate and had some drinks and left for their places.

Toshoshitsu no kanojo ~Seiso na Kimi ga Ochiru made~ Story AftermathWhere stories live. Discover now