His Butler, Employed

Start from the beginning

"What i want to do now is rest. I'm tired." He said as he started to head to the stairs."y/n." He called for y/n who nodded, smiling as she followed after him to help him get ready for bed."Certainty. However..." Sebastian trailed off.

The two double doors to the left are heard opening and came out soma which had ciel shocked "ciel! Ciel, y/n you two are finally here!" The prince exclaimed happily."I couldn't wait to see you both!" He smiled happily.

Agni came up behind soma with a smile. "Welcome home, Lord ciel, master sebastian, mistress y/n." He greeted them as y/n smiled "its good to see you two again." Agni smiled."Likewise, my lady." He took her hand and gave it a kiss, which her her smile while Sebastian narrows his eyes.

"That's right." Ciel sighed out, irriated."I had forgotten you were living here too." Soma runs to the maid and young man."It's been too long, ciel, y/n!" He wrapped his arms around them, hugging y/n and ciel close.

Soma rubbed his cheek against y/n who smiled, giggling as ciel struggle, glaring at the prince with an irk mark on his head.

Ciel managed to push Soma off him and y/n having Agni to catch him and smile, y/n giggle, looking at them.

Soma chuckled. "I didn't think you'd come to the townhouse so soon! Could it be that you were missing me? You lonely little lad!" He smiled as ciel huffed lightly."Sorry, but I'm tired. Im not in the mood to spar with you and have my maid deal with you as well." He grabbed y/n's hand, and they headed towards the stairs.

"What?" Soma whined out,"but I've been waiting all this time to play that chess game with you! Even spend time with y/n! What about what i want?" He placed his hands on ciel and y/n's shoulder, causing it to irritate ciel, who had a couple of irk marks on his head as y/n sweatdropped. She smiled a bit.

Ciel growls lowly and pushes his hands off his and y/n's shoulder, holding her hand still and heading upstairs with her by his side. "Who cares!"

"I apologize, Soma." Y/n said gently with an apologize smile."What's up, ciel? That's a really sour look! Even it's mean, you won't let me spend time with y/n! We haven't seen each other in awhile, so at least greet me with a smile!" Soma pouted with an upset expression on his face.

Ciel and his maid halted on the stairs as ciel held her hand, giving it a light squeeze as he turned his head, glaring at Soma with an annoyed expression on his face "shut up! I'm busy right now, so shut up! Also, I need y/n for something, so don't bother her!" He angrily told him.

Y/n give an apology smile to him. "Very sorry, Soma, but ciel needs some rest now. Maybe we'll spend time together next time." She said softly as she and ciel heads upstairs towards his bedroom to get ready for bed.

The prince flinch, frowning. "Without a smile, good fortune flees." He pooked his fingers together as Agni came up to his master, placing a hand on his shoulder,"Prince..."


Ciel, y/n, and sebastian were in ciel's bedroom as sebastian closed the door behind him, y/n helped remove ciel's coat, which he thanked her for.

"He's as lively as always." The demon butler said as ciel sat down on the bed."i can't do anything, but let them be. You, on the other hand..." ciel looked over at his butler, narrowing his eyes as y/n untied the small bow."Why did it end up that I was signed up for the circus?"

"You were not sighed up for the circus. You were signed up for the entrance test. Master." Y/n told ciel who glanced over at his maid with a gentle look as she removed his shoes off.

"Just you both infiltrating is it enough, isn't it?" He gently asked, "living in a tent, what a joke." He huffed.

"Are you certain?" Sebastian voice out as y/n has removed both of his shoes."Have you forgotten? This is your game. Is it all right if a pawn such as myself and someone special like y/n moves around the board freely?

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