chapter 10 - football house party

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Joe's Pov

I'm not big on frat parties, but when the football house is throwing a party after a winning game, I don't really have a choice but to show up. The last thing I would want right now is shit from the other guys for not showing up. So here I am. At least I'm praying that there won't be groupies all over me tonight, I'm not in the mood. I just want to go home and watch whatever is on Netflix, not hang out here.

"Man you're still on your first beer" Oliver says and down the rest of his second one. "I'm not looking to get drunk" I mumble. I am looking for the first chance to go home for the night. How long is an acceptable amount of time to be here? Another hour?

A girl I can faintly remember comes up and attaches herself to Oli, who seems all too happy to entertain her. He is a charmer, has been for as long as I've known him at least, but there is more than the eye can see. He isn't a manwhore like some of the other players, and there are layers to him that I hardly know about. I don't mind that my best friend is a bit of a mystery at times, we all have our stuff we rather not say out loud. "Hello beautiful. Haven't seen you around here before" he turns on the charm from the girl I'm pretty sure he has seen before. The groupies more or less stay the same and we are already a few games into the season. "Oh Oli, you're such a flirt" the girl gushes and I want to throw up. Nothing about this is appealing to me, absolutely nada.

My eyes wander the room looking for the one person I wouldn't mind talking with tonight, or any night for that matter. Josie vaguely mentioned she would be here since her stepmom is watching Luna for the night. That's probably one of the main reasons why I showed up, because she would be here. I wouldn't want to miss the chance to get a glimpse of her, anytime anywhere.

Finally I spot her entering with the same girl as I've seen her hang around with, Fina. She might be wearing sweater and tights, but damn she looks amazing. She isn't one to dress up much, so this is classic her. I like that she isn't afraid to be who she is even in the crowd of barbies and kens. Fuck now I'm making barbie analogies, I blame it on the movie and having a daughter.

God, I want to go over to talk to her, but they disappear around a corner, probably to find some beer, and someone else gets in my way...Hannah... why this girl can't take the hint I don't know. Points for being persistent, it would be cute if I was trying to play hard to get, but I'm not. It would make me perfectly happy to never have a conversation with her again. Not that I would say that out loud, I'm not an ass.... Most of the time at least.

"Funny seeing you here joe. Did you hear me cheer for you?" she grins. She is wearing a jersey with my number on it, but it's way too small, so its riding up her stomach. Then there is the mini skirt. I'm not actually checking her out like I'm interested though, because I'm not. The outfit is cute, but it would be ten times better on josie and in privacy.... A guy can dream right.

"I did" I lie. I wasn't looking for her in the crowd, and I couldn't give a damn either. I love our fans as a whole, but I don't single out anyone... except a certain blond girl who hardly meets my eyes. I want to scream in her face, asking her to see me, but she doesn't.

"How about a re-do. It's about time now isn't it. It's been a while" Hannah snaps me back to reality by raking her hand down my chest and I grab it and push it off. Yeah, this is not attractive to me.

Josie's Pov

"I hate parties. I can't believe you talked me into this" Fina groans for the millionth time as I hand her a beer. Smart girls know to go for the ones with a cap and keep their finger over the hole when they're not drinking. The last thing I want is to get roofied. Fina isn't a big drinker, like me she prefers wine, but we both have a beer. I wish for something stronger tonight, but I didn't see any readily available.

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