chapter 3 - say you swear

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** Some Spoilers for the book "Say You Swear" **

Josie's Pov

Damn, I forgot how hot this book is. I'm lying on the couch re-reading "Say You Swear" and falling back in love with my book boyfriend Noah. Seriously if that guy was here, I would fight Ari for him, because that teddy bear is just adorable. Their whole thing with the "say you swear" "I swear" thing is just the cutest. I'm not always a big fan of love triangles, sometimes they rub me the wrong way, but this one is done well. I've read all of Meagan Brandy's book and I will be reading whatever she puts out in the future as well.

"Don't apologize, and don't hide from me" he steps around, pulling me into his chest. "What am I good for If not to hold you when you need to be held?"

And when she gets hit by that car and gets amnesia, forgetting all about him... damn I always cry. How can you not cry when reading all the shit Noah has to go through after that. Seeing the love of his life forgetting him, knowing she doesn't know it's his baby she was pregnant with, seeing her fawn over another guy, and losing his mom without the love of his life able to truly be there for him. And when she finally remembers I bawl every fucking time. The hell with Cameron, because he should have known better than to make a move on Ari when she has amnesia and make her believe this whole lie to be true. He should have backed the fuck off and tell her the truth. But of course, he didn't because once the thing he never knew he wanted slipped away he grabbed at the first chance to get it. It's true what Noah said.

Nothing forces a man to face his feelings for a woman more than the interest of another man.

I also think there is a perfect amount of spice in the book. It's not so overwhelming that it becomes the whole plot, but it's enough that it's still a spicy book. And how he was all "Don't kiss me unless you are really over him" I died a little. I loved his honesty and how he was so unapologetic about it too.

It's not often that I re-read books this many times, but this is just one of those books. However, this time it's because it's a book pick for the book club I joined. I have never been in a physical book club before, only those online. So it's going to be fun getting together in person and talking about our favorite books. I'm sure it's mostly girls considering the pick for this month. Not that boys can't read it, more power to them, but it's considered a pretty girly book.

For the most part, I read romance, contemporary romance that is if we are going to be specific here. I love myself a good hockey romance, college romance, dark romance, and even mafia romance. The only thing I'm not that fan of is football romances, but this one gets a pass on that one. Sometimes the football romances just get too much for me because of my dad and brother, but there are some gems out there. Monica Murphy's "The Players" trilogy is amazing, the same as the other football books by Meagan Brandy. There are a few authors I could read anything they write, and those are two of them. I'm also a big Cora Reilly fan, especially her "Born in Blood" series.

I'm not one who usually reads more than one book at a time, but since I have the book club in a few days I needed to stop reading the other one to re-read this one. I'm reading the third book in the "Hades Saga" by Scarlett St. Clair which came out this summer. It's one of my favorites even though it's written in the third person and only from a male POV. It's not usually something I like, but here it works for me.

Sighing I put down the book to change for the gym. My stepmom is keeping Luna for a few hours so I could have some me time, which was much needed. I'm not used to having someone that volunteers to babysit. Back in Chicago, I had my grandparents on my dad's side as well as Joe's parents that baby says for me from time to time, but they are all working full time. Not that I'm complaining, I'm the one with a kid and need to take responsibility for her myself, I know that and don't take anyone else for granted.

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