chapter 4 - first day of classes

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Josie's Pov

Delivering Luna to daycare was probably more emotional for me than for her. She went in, saw a toy she liked, and was perfectly fine. On the other hand, I was on the verge of tears. My little girl is growing up, and I don't like it. I want her to stay little and just in my arms. But I have thankfully learned that by letting go of a bit of my control I can grow as a person. Without having her attached to my hip all the time I get to be a grownup on my own, something I haven't gotten to do much yet. The only way I knew about it at all was because I read it in one of those parenting books, and it was a theme session in the group for teen parents. Needs to say I'm nervous but also relieved to get some time to learn in person again.

I put on skinny jeans, a long-sleeved crop top with a light jacket over this morning. Seattle has this constant cloud over it, a mist setting over the city, so a light jacket is needed in September. It's not that Chicago was that much warmer, but I read somewhere that Seattle has more rainy days. Not sure if it's true though.

After a quick stop at the coffee shop I visited a few days ago, I head over to campus. It's buzzing with the energy from a new semester. Freshman and upperclassmen alike are getting ready for the semester ahead, on their way to their classes. People are seeing each other again after the summer vacations and others are saying hello for the first time. I love the energy in the middle of campus. Even the gloomy weather doesn't put a damper on the energy.

First up I have a creative fiction writing class. I'm only taking four classes this semester because I have fulfilled most of the gen-ed requirements already and don't need to take any this semester. I wanted to give myself a lighter and fun workload to get started here. Not to mention giving me time to settle Luna into her new routine.

I still have a little time before my first class start so I make it to the auditorium with plenty of time to spare. A few other students had the same thought about getting here early, so I'm not the only one, that would have been awkward. I like sitting in the middle, so I go down the midway stairs and find a seat smack in the middle. Thankfully this auditorium has stairs on both sides as well as an isle in the middle, giving easier access for more students. Nothing is more awkward than having to crawl over another classmate to get to your seat like you sometimes have to do at the movie theatres.

Putting my backpack down I start to pull out the stuff I will need. I'm using an iPad with an Apple pencil so I can save all my notes that way, but I don't need to drag up my computer all the time. Which I do keep with me as well because I'm overkill. There is underprepared, prepared and then there is me, a mile above it. I've already finished reading most of the required reading since we got the course list in the middle of the summer, so I have a good grasp on the semester. My summer was spent at home in Chicago without any friends around, so I had to do something other than just play with Luna.

The auditorium is filling up with one student after another and I love the energy the room is giving. There are people here with all different kinds of styles and that carry themself differently. It's funny to me how such different people could end up in the same class, it shows that we are more alike than we think we are judged by a first look.

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I've been going from one class to another, but now it's time for the last class of the day, English. It's the one gen-ed I didn't take online last year because I wanted to take it in person, that's how much I love English. It's much better to take it in person in my opinion, not like math. I hated my statistics course last semester, but now I'm done with all the math courses needed for graduation. One of the perks of doing my freshman year online in a house with people who hate me is that I had plenty of time for schoolwork. If I could avoid spending time with my mother, I did. Luna either played on the floor, napped or I had a sitter or grandparents watch her. Most of the time she was with me, and I just juggled everything though. Thank god she was a good baby, not a tornado at all.

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