Chapter 12. Cliff's Secret Part One.

Start from the beginning

I slumped dejectedly down on the floor and leant up against a cabinet with my knees up and my hands resting on them.

"I'm sorry," Cliff said as he sat down beside me, copying my position. "I'm not sure why you're pissed off with me but I couldn't agree to what they were asking without making sure that you would be alright. I could just see Trevor and the others taking it all out on you and that's not fair."

"That's not what's pissed me off," I answered, belligerently. "It's Eyetie and Big Bradders that have done that. It's okay for anyone else to indulge in homosexual activity but I am being victimised by nearly everyone in this awful place all because Toad and Kasper accuse me of being queer."

Cliff laid his arm across my shoulders and gently hugged me from the side. "That I can understand but from what I've seen it's only them and others in the rugby squad that are really abusing you."

"What about everyone giving me the 'weak'?" I asked. "You seem to have conveniently forgotten about that."

"That's an exaggeration Xander..., and you know it," Cliff chided me. "From what I've seen it's mainly younger boys trying to act all big. Others are just trying to act all cool in an attempt to impress morons like Trevor and Kasper. Most of them simply ignore you because they want to avoid any repercussions back on them, anyway since I hit Trevor it's died down a hell of a lot. Yes?"

I didn't answer him so he twisted my head around so I couldn't do anything other than look at him.

"Yes?" He repeated, giving a cute smile that lifted my mood.

I readily smiled back and nodded my head in agreement. "Thank you for what you said at dinner... you know about me not doing anything to make you feel uncomfortable. That was really good of you."

"No worries," he answered as he released his hold on my head and let his arm rest over my shoulders again. "It was the truth anyway!"

I smiled at him again. "Thank you. It was still nice to hear though."

"My brother was teased and laughed at because he was gay," Cliff suddenly announced after a short silence. "He said being found out was the worst thing that ever happened to him and he wished that he had been able to keep it a secret...., even from his closest friends."

I turned and looked at him. He sat there staring straight ahead of him.

"Mum and Dad were not very supportive either," Cliff continued. "He was offered psychotherapy by the school but he refused to go because he knew our dad would see that as being weak and not being a proper man. Mum did what she usually does when things upset her and hit the sauce...., you know the alcoholic kind. Dad then blamed him for her falling off the wagon again and said some pretty nasty things. It sort of messed with his head for a time and things got really bad. He still confided in me as we have always done with each other and things sort of settled down. Mum and Dad swept it under the carpet and it was rarely mentioned again."

"Is that why you've been so supportive of me because you think I'm gay and need help?" I asked as he fell silent.

"In a way..., yes!" He replied, turning to look at me. "Whether you are or not is not anyone else's concern. I know how the bullying affected my brother. How it changed him from being an outgoing, friendly person to one who became introverted and almost reclusive. It wasn't just Trevor coming in and calling you Alice that reminded me of what often happened to my brother. It was after that first morning in the bathroom when I realised that it was all because you were different and they were looking for any excuse to pick on you. They certainly couldn't handle the fact that you meditated."

"Tell me about it!" I answered. "Kasper made sure of that."

"Anyway, I didn't want you to become a victim like my brother and knew I was in a position to do something about it." Cliff gently rocked me as he added, "besides you were my roomie and despite your less than warm welcome I still wanted to be friends with you."

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