chapter 3 - say you swear

Start from the beginning

I slip into a pair of black Lululemon booty shorts, and a white Lululemon sports tank with a matching sports bra under. I'm in love with all the things from this brand, probably like every other girl in America. I don't splurge on clothes a lot for myself, but when I do I make sure to take good care of it. Having a toddler you also get a master in washing clothes, I probably wash something every day with all the mess she makes. Being two and insisting on feeding yourself is a recopied for mess, but I like her independence.

After slipping in my white Nike shoes, grabbing a light jacket and my bag I'm out the door and heading for the stadium.

Joe's Pov

I took a break for a few hours after field practice today before I came back for conditioning alone. They encourage us to have one workout alone a day in addition to the fieldwork, and I do that for the most part in the mornings, except for the weekends. We have games most Saturdays and on Sundays, we either travel home or have the day off from field workout. Sometimes I do indulge in taking that day completely off from the stadium, opting for a quick run instead, but oftentimes I come here and do a conditioning round anyway.

I'm not the only one having a Saturday afternoon workout, there are at least five other players here, not that I'm counting. When I'm working out solo I try to put on my headphones and be in my own bubble since most of the stuff we do otherwise is team-based. It's nice to just have a workout alone with music blasting in your ears and just get lost in it all.

But my eyes widen when I see who is strutting into the gym in her little shorts and tight tank. I knew she had a keycard and could use the gym, but damn does she have to dress like that. She is not hard on the eyes, and this outfit shows her off in all the right ways, but I don't like the looks she gets from some of the other guys. I don't blame them too much, I can't help myself either, but there is a pang of jealousy in me. I want her all to myself, and I will admit that no problem. Not out loud of course but to myself I do all the time.

I don't even know if she is aware of how good she looks, or how every man in the room can't help themself from looking at her. Despite her brothers' warnings, we are only human, and turning away from her is hard when she walks around like this. So I'm enjoying the view for a moment longer before heading over to her.

She is getting situated on the treadmill, so I take the one next to her and remove my headphones. "Getting a workout inn?" I ask as we both start the machines. "Yup. And this is the best place to do it. Thanks, Dad" she chuckles, and I can't help but join her. It's not every day we have women exercise in her, it's rare. Sometimes some of the PT staff work out with us, but other than that it's just 60 bulky guys.

"You still climb right? Because it's a good place not far from here. Ten min tops" I say as I start a light jog. It's sometimes tedious to work your way up to the interval sprints with a warmup, but it's needed. The last thing you want to do is be cocky and then pull a muscle or worse. Worst come to worst it could put you out the rest of the season, if not forever. You could rip a tendon or something, I'm not sure. I've just seen people get hurt exercising without warming up enough first.

"Yeah, I think I saw the one you're talking about if it's that close. I love being that high in the air" My girl here is an adrenaline junkie, always has been. She might not have known it, but I had my eye on her since middle school. I was always fascinated with Lucas, and then with his little sister who always seemed to be climbing on something or doing some sort of sport. She told me that she tried ballet like her sister Lana once, but that didn't go well, otherwise, she has tried a lot of different things.

"I'm more hung with my nose in a book these days though. Little Miss Munchkin needs me" She shrugs like it's no big deal but there is a longing in her eyes. I feel bad that I haven't been the dad I wanted this last year, since I've been in Seattle and they are back in Chicago, but now that they are here, I want to be a present dad.

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