Chapter 25 - TRUST

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Mason Calland

I wore my black leather gloves as I looked at the people we captured. My eyes shifted to Blanc, Hugo, Tim, Leroy, and Brooke entering the dungeon with body bags. People will never believe we paid them three million dollars yearly to be our right-hand man.

Fifteen million dollars for five right-hand man.

Leroy told me that he wanted to quit almost every day because of how stressful it is to work with five psychos, but he loved his job too much even to leave. Sometimes, he bluntly said to raise his salary.

Like fuck we will.

"What the fuck are doing here?" I asked Ares as he walked in with two axes.

"I'm in the mood to kill people."

"Why? Having troubles with Morrow?" I raised my eyebrows, and he pointed his axe at me.

"Don't fucking tempt me." He hissed, and I rolled his eyes. Ares entered the dungeon, and Tim sighed, seeing his boss in the room. He's tired of Ares' shit.

My phone rang, and I picked it up right away.

"Ms.Jordan has safely landed in Texas, Mr.Calland," Rodi reported.

"Good. Watch her for me." I told Rodi.

"I will." I ended the call and walked in to kill some people.

Everly Jordan

"My daughter is a fan," Oslo said to me.

"Thank you." I smiled, but I couldn't stop pacing around. Knowing that Mason was safe and sound wasn't enough for me. I want to see him in person.

Rodi said that Mason is currently having a bath, and Oslo added that he's presently bathing in blood. They successfully captured all of the people who wanted to kill Mason.

"I'm betting a thousand dollars that Mr.Young is joining him," Oslo said confidently, and Rodi chuckled. "Mr.Young will never miss it. He loves it too much. He has anger issues sometimes."

I walked to the glass window and sighed, seeing hundreds of guards guarding outside the house. I also have two hitmen in the room, protecting me. I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated.

"Can I call Mason?"

"No," Rodi said.

"Why not?"

"He'll come here later at night, Ms.Jordan," Oslo said as he grabbed a random book from the shelf.

"I want him now." Tears started to fill my eyes. I wanted to see him so bad that it made my chest ache.

"You both don't understand! What if he dies?! I want him here! I WANT HIM HERE... NOW!" I snapped, and they both looked at me like I was possessed.

I cried.

I cried so hard that I don't even care if I can't sing this weekend. My heart hurts, and I can't convince myself he's okay. I don't believe it until I see him myself.

Oslo and Rodi decided to give me space and left the room.

I can't stop crying. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I can't even think straight.

Hours passed, my head was hurting, and my eyes were puffy. I lay on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. My eyes were heavy after stressing and crying for hours.



"Everly..." I slowly turned my head to the side. When I saw Mason lying beside me, tears filled my eyes again. He chuckled before pulling me into his arms, crying so hard. I was relieved to see him.

"I'm here." He assured me, but I kept crying.

"I'm fine. I'm okay." He added as he tried to see my face, but I buried myself in his chest, crying like a baby.

"I was in the middle of a killing spree when Rodi sent me a voice message of you begging me to come here." I'm going to kill Rodi, "I never thought I'd leave everything to come here as soon as I can." I didn't even bother to answer him. I was just glad to see him here.

"Did they hurt you?" I pulled away.




"Okay." He chuckled and kissed me. He cupped my face to deepen the kiss and pulled me back into his arms. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

I opened my eyes when I heard people arguing. I got up and freaked out when Mason was nowhere in sight. I ran out of the room and found Rodi and Oslo arguing about something while Mason was busy looking at his laptop.

When Rodi saw me, he immediately shut his mouth, and everyone turned their attention to me.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking at all of them confused. Mason slowly turned to Oslo and Rodi, glaring so hard they both decided to leave the room.

"What's going on?" I asked Mason again. He gestured for me to come to him. He made me sit on his lap to see whatever was on his laptop screen.

Mason was showing me a CCTV footage of his apartment lobby from yesterday. Two men enter the apartment building, acting like they're residents there. When they got into the elevator, they pressed the P button where I was at.

"How did you know someone sent me a message?" I asked.

"I have my team alert me." He turned to me, looking at me weirdly. "And you were going to do something about it, didn't you?"

"I had to do something. Your life was on the line. I'm not risking another life because of me." He forced me to turn to him.

"What was your plan?" I narrowed my eyes on him for asking such a question. "Tell me..."

"I was going to agree and go with them. I don't want people to get hurt because of me. Especially you. You've been helping me all this time, and I trust you. At least if they caught me... I knew you'd look for me." He tilted his head to the side. He was fascinated by my answer.

"How confident are you that I will look for you?" I looked into his dark blue eyes, wondering why he asked that. "What if I decided to let you die and not help you at all?" His question made me speechless.

"I think you can do that, but I trust you," I said, even though deep down, I don't trust him.

"Trusting someone like me should be the last thing you do."

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