Chapter 4 - DONT BE FOOLED

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Everly Jordan

I just changed my clothes for the next stage, and one of the staff gave me my black electric guitar. I stood behind the LED, waiting for the VCR to finish.

I turned to the side and found Mason looking at me. Instead of looking away, like people always do when I catch them looking, his eyes locked with mine.

"Is everything okay?" I mouthed, and he gave me a nod. Elliot poked him, making him turn to him. Elliot whispered something to his ear. Mason nodded and turned his attention back to me.

"Everly!" I turned my attention to the front, and the door opened. I walked through the LED straight to the main stage. I played my electric guitar and smiled at my fans.

The stalker won't stop me from having the best time of my life.

Mason Calland

In every perfect plan, there's always a tiny black hole.

I've been a hunter for years in the underground world, and all I can say is that her stalker is not an ordinary one. It's a crime of passion, where it's based on pure hatred or jealousy.

Judging by what he had done, he's either in the FBI or the CIA or part of a skilled mafia. I'm leaning toward the first two because he knew his war zone thoroughly. The fact that he knew who I was gave me a big hint that he belonged to one of those two.

Out of all the Bloodhound members, me and Asher are the most private. Only a few people knew about our identity and our existence. We made sure that the person who knew us, it's because we want them to know us.

That's why he's a fool for telling us he knew us.

I can trace back everyone who knew me so quickly, and we can start from that.

When I heard people clapping their hands, I knew the concert was over. People congratulated Everly, and she walked in our direction.

"Did something happen?" She asked, and I took a step back so she could see the situation in her waiting room. She gasped when she saw a hole in the ground and a chocolate bar with a note.

She walked towards it, but I stopped her.

"He knew that you hired me." She turned to me, and her green eyes widened.

"The stalker is a he?" I nodded.

"Did you catch him?"

"No, but we will catch him."

"Did he hurt anyone?"

"No. Not yet."

"What do you mean not yet?!" She raised her voice at me.

"Everly, you should take care of your vocal cords." Her assistant warned her. Her eyes turned icy cold, and I gripped her arm tightly.

"Albert said that you're the best person in this field. I hope you can catch the stalker and ensure no one gets hurt!"

"Did Albert mention that I also rip people's vocal cords daily?" My voice was so low and cold that she stepped back, "Watch your mouth when you're talking to me."

"Mr.Calland, let's go. You have an important meeting to attend." Elliot grabbed me, dragging me away. I pushed him away and made my way out of the stadium. Leroy was already waiting for me.

Then I heard Everly scream.

I ran back inside, and a man was trying to reach her. My team held him back when they presented him to me. His eyes were empty like he was being hypnotized. I grabbed a knife from one of them, stabbing the man straight to his throat. I could hear Everly and her assistant gasp.

They dropped them, and I called Elliot.

"Where did he come from?" I asked one of my team members.

"The underground, sir."

"Bring him to the headquarters. He's being hypnotized, and we have to find out when he got it." I said to Elliot, and I walked out of the stadium.

"Mr.Calland." I heard Everly running towards me, but I ignored her.

"Mr.Calland." She stood in front of me, holding onto my arm. I pushed her hand away from my arm.

"I'm sorry." She apologized, "I wasn't in my right mind. The stalker has haunted me for the past year, so I trusted you to find him because I don't want to live in fear anymore."

"Don't trust me too much, Ms.Jordan." I walked past her, and Leroy opened the car door for me.

"But I do. I know you can find the stalker." I got into the car and closed my eyes. I should have not taken the case, this is fucking stupid.

Everly Jordan

"Can you let me know from which company Mason is?" I asked Albert when he came into my house. Albert raised his eyebrows as he went straight to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of cold water.

"Since when you're interested in the bodyguard that I hired for you?"

"Just answer the question, Albert."

"He's from The Bloodhounds. I don't think you've ever heard about them." I grabbed my phone and looked them up. There's no information about them. I even tried to google Mason's name, but I got nothing.

"There's no company called The Bloodhounds."

"They're a private company, Everly. They work for the government and the mafia."

"So Mason is a part of the mafia?" I asked curiously.

"Something like that." That explained how he just stabbed someone straight in their throat. When he did that, his face was flat, as if the action bored him.

"Will he come to the concert again tonight?"

"Why are you suddenly so curious?" I glared at him as I took a bite of my donut. He knew I was not the type who was curious about something. I usually let him handle everything, but somehow, Mason caught my attention.

"He looked unapproachable."

"He is unapproachable. I suggest you only talk when it's necessary. He's not a nice guy, so I want you to keep your distance." I nodded. "And yes, he will come to the concert tonight."

"Good to know," I said, bored, making Albert chuckle.

"Remember, don't be fooled by his handsome face. He's fucking manipulative and a little psycho."

BLOODHOUNDS #4: THE DARK KNIGHTOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora