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It's Friday today and Suyu still didn't wake up. I was so mad. I swear I'll get revenge for her. My date with her is supposed to tomorrow but now we havte to cancel it.

"Omg guys!! I found the girl who hurt Suyu. Come quick"

Woojin and me stood up quickly and ran after Jena, Yulhee was some steps behind us.

Jena pointed at a girl with brown hair and bangs.

"Look at the shoes. They're the ones Suyu had before they were stolen", she said

I exploded. Woojin tried to pull me back but i already ran to the girl and they all followed me.

"Hey!", who do you think you are going around and bullying Suyu.

"Calm down. I didn't bully anyone", she answered.

"But you stole my cousin's shoes and bet her up??"

"Oh that? She stole my shoes first i just stole them back", Hyein said.

"No, those were hers. We were buying matching shoes. Do you really think that we have to steal? Girl we have enough money. We can get whatever we like.", Jena said and threw the recipe at her.

"That's fake", that gurl just said without looking at it, "You stole them to bully people it has nothing to do with money".

I lost my patience. I took a step towards her and pulled her up on her collar.

"LET ME GO!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING??", the brown haired girl said.

"Now take a look at the recipe and never disrespect us like that again"

She rolled her eyes and took a look at it."I'm screwed", she whispered.

"Look I'm sorry someone stole my shoes and then she appeared with the same so i thought she stole them.", she explained.

"And why did you need to beat her up like that", i screamed at her.

"I don't know.  I really needed those shoes back cause they were expensive and i don't have much money and she was refusing to give it to me. I guess i got so desperate that i got violent. Im sorry.", she confessed.

"That's definitely not okay but why did you beat her up again yesterday"

"Yesterday?? I wasn't even at school yesterday. Nayeon, the girl i used to tutor forgot her stuff at home so i had to drive home and bring it to her. You can ask the teacher if i was there".

"Yeah that should be right cause she's supposed to be in our history class too but i didnt see her yesterday", i said.

"But who was it then?", Yulhee said confused.

"I think i know who", Jena added

"WHO??", i turned my head to Jena.

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