The shoes

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After what happened today I decided to go shopping with Suyu to cheer her up. We were going through all the expensive shops and bought all the expensive stuff. She seemed to be happier than earlier but still a little bit traumatized. But don't worry i will take care of the people who hurt her tomorrow. We were passing by a shoe store and we both took matching shoes. She took white shoes and i took the same in black.

"Jena, I'll go to the toilet real quick", she said.

"No problem, I'll pay and wait for you there", i pointed at a bench.

She nodded and went to the toilet while i went to the cashier.

POV Suyu

I walked out of the cabin to wash my hands and a girl stood there searching something.

"Hey can i help you?", i asked nicely.

She looked and me and then yelled,"It's you who stole my shoes. Give them back."

"What are you talking about? I have enough money to buy those shoes, i dont need to steal anything"

"Stop lying", she now looked really mad, "Take them off"

"No, they're mi-" i got interrupted by her pushing me on the floor.

"Hey", i tried to stand up again but she punched me which caused my nose to bleed.

"What's your problem? I offered you help and you do this to me. You'll regret this", she tried to take off my shoes but i kicked her with my feet.

"Stay still", she stepped on my leg which caused me to yell out.

I stopped kicking with that leg so she held my other leg and took off my shoes and disappeared.

"You'll regret this".

I tried to stand up but my one leg hurt so much. I managed to stand up by holding the sink and limped. I washed my hands still in disbelief and exited the toilet. I spotted Jena on the bench with her phone but when she saw me she quickly put it away and ran towards me.

"Oh my god! What happened to you?!", she supported me.

"Some random girl hit me and took my shoes", i said.

"Dont worry I'll buy you the same ones again but lets go home first so you can see a doctor", she responded.

We got out of the mall and in our car which drove home.

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