A Glamorous Future

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This morning, I woke up without Elliott by my side. He wasn't in the bed nor was he in his room or the kitchen. Confused I walked out onto the porch putting my hat on and he's to my left.

"Good morning, dear!" I smile at him as he greets me and I pull him in for a kiss.

"Good morning!" I repeat back to him.

"Look at this landscape. All of my wildest dreams have come true. It's the perfect place for me to write. Especially under the pomegranate tree. Everything is perfect. We have come such a long way." He looks me in the eyes, and smiles.

"When I moved into the valley I don't think I expected for a farmer to show up, let alone that farmer be so important to me" His eyes light up. "I have something for you."

He reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a star shaped fruit, I've found a couple of these. Willy mailed me one when I caught every fish... I found one from the ol' master conoli statue when I gave him a sweet gem berry. Along with several others.

It's very sweet and seems to have a lingering feeling. It somehow makes you stronger.

"Take it." He tells me. "I want you to have it to show you my love."

"You didn't have to get me this to show me your love, darling. I already know you love me." I tell him.

He smiles at continues to urge me to eat it. I do so and the moment the sweet juice hits my tongue my mind is completely filled with thoughts of him.

I turn in on the farm. Letting everything sink in. My barn is full of pigs searching for truffles. My coops are full of ducks, and my greenhouse are full of ancient fruit. I feel complete.

Everything has worked out incredibly well. Nothing else can be done here other than living my life humbly with Elliott. No more adventures, no more crazy sword wielding. Just him and I on the farm.

That's the world I want to create with him. That right there is what I want.

I love this man. And I love my whole life with him.

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