A New Beginning

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You can't lie, you have never been happier than you are right now. You and Elliott. Elliott and you.

Your story is coming to an end. The perfect little poems in your head dying out as you and Elliott grow more comfortable in your life together. But your own adventures will never stop.

Your story with Elliott will continue behind the scenes. No longer written down for your own enjoyment.

But as a sad little goodbye.

Some of your favorite moments with Elliott will be shared in place of a continuation.


The day he proposed.

The nightmare filled nights followed by daydreams.

The agonizing week of his book tour.

The rereading of his dedication to you.

And so, so much more.

It was so hard for you to choose your favorites, but these, these are those.

This chapter of yours, will be the longest yet. So you'd better buckle up, and enjoy the times you and Elliott had together.

Today presents;

Years Since Our First Meeting

You and Elliott have been dating for so long now. After you two had made this official, you're boyfriends, he's been extra sweet, and also extra secretive.

Getting you coffee in the mornings, but leaving immediately after to Leah's. You're so perplexed, what could he possibly be doing?

He's left again this morning. But this time you're determined to ask why, "Elliott-!" He turns around, confused. "Where are you going?"

"Leah's. I will however be home earlier tonight. I have something to show you. I love you." He kisses you and leaves. Again. For the fourth time this week.

You're hoping it's nothing weird. Him and Leah are just really good friends, you know that. But those terrible thoughts hang in the back of your mind. What does Elliott want to show you anyways?

It can't be bad if he hyped it up like that. You're still worried, though.

You step out into the heat of the summer season, relieved your garden is now in the greenhouse. Not too hot in there. Your animals now have auto feeders, so your chores are laid out for you. Giving you more time for you and Elliott. Well. If he were here, that is.

"Y/N?" You turn around to see Leah. Why was she here?

"You just missed Elliott." You tell her.

"I'm not here for Elliott, actually."

"If Elliott isn't with you, then where is he?" You ask her. She only shrugs. "You know what? How can I help you, Leah?"

"I was just thinking we could talk for a little bit. Maybe I could help you with your gardening?"

"Sure, but there's not much that needs to be done. It's all in the greenhouse and I've hooked up sprinklers to it."

You two spent the day just going through your greenhouse. She talks to you, about whatever that's been going on. Until the topic stops at Elliott.

"He's been super dodgey lately huh?" She asked you.

You nod, solemnly. Sad to have to say it out loud. Things were going great, up until he started leaving for hours at a time, always saying he was with Leah.

"I don't think it's anything to worry about. Elliott is crazy about you."

"He lied straight to my face when I asked him where he was going."

"Maybe it's just a surprise? You know he's super flamboyant with these kind of things, don't go worrying." She tells you. You can't help but just shrug.

Sitting down on the porch, she hands you a glass of water she got from inside. You take it.

"What times has he normally been coming home?"

"Late. Like, 9 or 10 late." She looks at her watch.

"It's only 5. You did say he said he was gonna be home earlier. What time do you think that'll be?" She asks you.

You genuinely have no idea, hopefully soon though.

As if on cue; he walks up the gravel.

And you can see it on his face, despite hidden with a fake smile but there's grimace in his eyes. He knows he's been caught.

"Y/N, darling. Leah." His voice hollows a little bit on her name. It's almost as if she was meant to cover for him, which only arouses your suspicions.

"Why don't you go inside and and grab a coat, darling? It's supposed to get cold outside tonight." You nod, albeit hesitantly you head inside.

You hear some muffled talking, sounding somewhat annoyed. You could listen in, but whatever Elliott has been doing will come to you soon enough.

Hopefully tonight.

The way he's been making you feel for the last while hasn't been exactly great, but he's still your boyfriend.

There's still a line of trust there.

You grab your light jacket and head back outside, at the sound of the door Elliott turns around, his back to you and puts his head in his hands. He takes a deep breath before turning back around and dopily bows to you.

"My good sir, your chariot awaits."

You chuckle a little bit before glancing at Leah, and then back to Elliott before taking his arm.

She looked upset. Drastically upset.

Once you two are out of earshot he begins talking.

"I know I've been super dodgey lately, really avoidant. But I promise theres a good reason. I promise." He tells you. There's nothing else to imagine.

This man is too down bad for you, there was no way there was anyone else.

"I actually have a surprise planned for you. I hope you're hungry, because the saloon is open just for us."

You gasp when you see the state the town is in.

Decorated with lights, everywhere. Flowers and rose petals, the town is deserted except for the saloon lights being on. He must have gotten the whole towns cooperation.

"What is all of this?"

"All for you. I've been talking to everyone in the town the last few days, getting Lewis to order things in for me so I can pull this off. Everyone was so willing to help me."

"What for?"

"This." He hands you a box. It's not wrapped, it's just a black rectangular box. It's kinda heavy.

You look at him with confusion, "before you open it. Has anyone explained the mermaids pendant to you?" Your heart leaps in your chest.

The mermaids pendant. Marriage. Kids. The whole nine yards. Everything.

You open the box and there it is, it catches the light and shines a light blue. You look at him and he smiles nervously.

All you can do is smile. You smile widely before putting on the pendant and hugging him.

"So is that a yes?"

"Yes!" You kiss him and he kisses you.

The rest of the night you think about how stupid you were, thinking he was sneaking around behind your back for something bad.

But really, he was just being sweet.

You two ate, danced, drank, talked and nearly passed out at the saloon.

The last thing you remember was going back to his cabin and staying the night. Barely conscious. He helped you walk back and he helped you into bed. And he cuddled you to sleep.

And in the morning, made you eggs to soak up the alcohol. And he gave extra kisses for being so secretive.

You love him. And you're getting married.

You can't wait.

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