Intrusive Thoughts

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That day. That blissful day. Everything went right that day. Elliott, you couldn't stop thinking about him. And you're sure he did it on purpose. Not ill-intended, however. You told him you weren't ready for him to know. But you're almost positive he already knows, and feels the same.

It's just the relationship you aren't quite ready for yet. Tell him. Your mind tells you to do. He feels the same. You could at least tell him, Y/N. Tell him, and tell him you're not ready for a relationship.

No. That could go badly. You don't want to do that, tell him but also add that he has to wait. You'd rather tell him when you're ready.

There will be a waiting period either way. Wouldn't you rather him be ready when you are? But that isn't up to you at all. It's up to him if he's ready. Being in a relationship could stunt his writing growth. You don't want that to happen.

It's been about a week. It's the beginning of winter, all your crops died and your animals don't go outside anymore. Which means you've gotta spend money on a lot of wheat from Marnie.

You step out of the farmhouse, turning down the path into town. You've got some fishing to do today since there's no farming for the rest of the season. You check your mailbox, nothing.

You turn down the path to get to the beach. You pass a couple people, but you keep to yourself. You're still tired, but you need money. Other than the occasional hello from a villager, the town is quiet. It's so eerie in winter.

The cool beach air hits you, added with the cold from the snow, you're glad you wore some warm clothes. You pass Elliott's cabin. You haven't seen him since Spirit's Eve. You two parted ways once the festival ended. You never got through the maze. But his kiss, it's almost like you can still feel it.

You're tempted to stop by and say hi, but you also need money.

As if on cue, his door opens. You don't hear anything else, so you just continue walking to the docks. You feel warm arms wrap around your waist and a chin rest on your shoulder. Your face heats as you know immediately it's Elliott.

"Hey." You say. You can feel his smile.

"Hey." He doesn't let go. "Can we-" he pauses. "Can we talk?" He asks you.

"I'm a little busy right now, can it wait?" You lower your fishing rod, wondering what he wants to talk about.

"It's about Spirit's Eve." He sighs. "It won't take too long," he says. "Please?"

"Okay." He lets go of you and walks back to his cabin, you follow. Leaving your fishing rod, tackle, and bait at the door before going in.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. No reason in beating around the bush, did I overstep your boundaries in the maze?" He says, turning to you. Your eyes widen.

"No. Not at all. Why would you think that?" You ask.

"Because you haven't spoken to me since. I see you walk by my cabin some days to fish, and you don't even stop by to say hi." He tells you.

"I'm going to be honest, Elliott. I've just been tired, the change from fall to winter put me and my farm down the drain. We're struggling on money," you say. Your anxiety about this season coming back.

"Oh. I had no idea. I'm sorry for pushing." He apologizes. "So, the maze?" He asks again.

"You didn't cross anything, it just surprised me." This conversation is getting a little too close to you confessing. Because if you tell him you liked it, he'll know. And he'll ask. But if you tell him you didn't, there goes all chances. Maybe it is time.

"So you weren't uncomfortable?" He steps closer to you. You can hear your racing heartbeat in your ears. The butterflies in your stomach amplify, you can't believe it.

"No-" you answer timidly. Should you tell him? Yes! Tell him! Your intrusive thoughts kick in. But this time, they're not all that intrusive.

He waits for you to continue. "I-" you swallow hard. "I liked it." You say with a nervous laugh.

"You did?" He asks with a shocked expression. "Y/N. Is there something between us? Am I just imagining it?" You shake your head.

"I-I mean there is. At least I want there to be." He smiles.

"I'm glad. Me too." He steps closer and takes your hands. You stiffen slightly.

"There is one thing. I'm not ready for a relationship. I'm not sure when I will be." Your intrusive thoughts make way again. Y/N! What are you saying? Yes you are! He's into you, take it while you can!

"That's okay. We can take this slow." He raises your hands to his lips, planting a kiss on both hands.

You smile before embracing him. He holds you close as you feel like crying. You're happy, actually happy. He smells like ocean water and pomegranates.

"Are you alright?" He runs a hand through your hair, ruffling it a little bit, trying to soothe you. You nod quickly. "We should set boundaries." You nod slightly. "I'm okay with anything, but is there anything that you aren't okay with? Even if it's for right now."

"Not really, I'm just not ready for all the labels yet." He laughs, chest heaving under you.

"That's fine with me." He rubs circles on your back. "Does that mean you're okay with kisses?" You nod. He takes your face gently in his hands, causing you to look at him. He leans in and kisses your forehead. You can't believe this is happening. His facial expression is so soft and gentle, you hadn't realized it, but he was looking at you like that the whole time you two have been friends.

This is the best day of your life. 

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