Chapter 5

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 In a room dimly lit only by the morning sunlight that manages to pass through the thin curtains, situated on the second floor of a house in a friendly neighborhood somewhere near the sea, there you can find Haerin's paradise.

It's her escape from everything, her sanctuary. She loved everything about her room, from her neatly made bed placed next to the windows, the bean bag next to her bed, her drawings pasted all over the wall in front of her desk with puzzle pieces, art supplies, stationary, her camera, seashells and her notebooks scattered on it making it messy but in an aesthetic way, her little potted plant she kept on the floor, the standing lamp near the door and most of all, the feeling of comfort it brings her.

Lately, something has been taking up all the space in her head, well, more like, someone and that someone is none other than Danielle Marsh, her online friend. She doesn't know when these thoughts of the older girl took over her, it just happened so suddenly and she does not know how to react to this kind of emotions clouding her mind.

 She snaps out her thoughts, rolling off her bed, checking the time on her phone, she promised Hyein and Minji that they'd hang out today so she had to get ready.

She heard a faint knocking sound coming from the door, she immediately knew who it was, she stood up and opened the door, letting them in, "Hey there, did mom feed you yet?," she said, looking down at Hazel who was busy rubbing her head on Haerin, purring. Haerin crouched down and picked her up, holding her like baby, "c'mon, let's get you some food," she got out of her room, heading toward the living room downstairs to feed Hazel.

Hazel eats up all the food on her bowl as soon as Haerin finished preparing her bowl, "So impatient," she commented, petting Hazel's head, smiling to herself watching Hazel enjoy her meal. She gets up and went to the bathroom to shower, making sure she wont be late for their hangout.

She already prepared an outfit beforehand so she doesn't have to rush things. When she got out of the bathroom, she put on her outfit and took her sketchbook from one of her bookshelves, placing it on her desk. She wanted to draw a little before going out so she made sure her art supplies was there before sitting down. She tried sketching out some drawings of the beach but none of them seemed appealing to her so she took out her phone to look for references on Pinterest, it didn't take her long to find the perfect reference, she grabbed her crayons and followed the reference.

The drawing turned out good so she pasted it on the wall, looking at it carefully, she felt like something was missing, there was everything a beach should have so why does it still looks so empty? She stared at it for a while, wondering if she should draw something else on it, then, she though of an idea. She took her red crayon and drew her red door in the middle of it, not taking the drawing down, she had to lean on her desk and tiptoe a little to reach it. Why did she drew that? She also didn't know, it just looked interesting.

She slumped back on her bed, taking out her phone to text Danielle, 'I wonder where she's at right now' She had known that Danielle was going on a trip with a friend but she didn't know where cause all Danielle said was that she's going to get her best friend a girlfriend. Haerin was confused but didn't pry too much into it at the time, but now she's curious.

She wanted to text Danielle but she accidentally tapped on the call button so she decided to just roll with it.

Not even a few seconds later, Danielle picked up, "Hey, what's up? Did you miss me?" her heart raced, the way Danielle makes her feel with just her teasing voice is concerning.

"Mhm, maybe just a little bit," she lied, of course she missed her, even though they texted yesterday.

"I know you do," she giggled, "so, any specific reason on why you're calling me or?"

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