Chapter 4

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It was 10:30 in the morning and Danielle was walking around a neighborhood, unknown to her, trying to find where the nearest playground is, hoping they had swings so she could waste her time there while giving her best friend the chance to talk to their crush alone. Danielle has always liked playing on swings. 

Back at her own neighborhood, there was a huge tree near the swings, as she swung up, she would often look up at the tree, it gave her a feeling of reaching something high up above her level and as she swung back down, it reminds her that she had to keep swinging to get back up, that kind of thought is what keeps her from ever giving up on anything, always pushing her way through every obstacle the universe throws at her with a smile plastered on her face. Though it might seem silly to think that way but she never stopped believing, for Danielle, small things such as that are what makes life worth living. 

As she made her way through, she watches as the leaves falls off, the wind blowing it into different directions, admiring the view. The leaves leaves a slight crunching sound when stepped on, making her walk even more fun. The weather was not too cold despite it being autumn and Danielle was really happy about it.

As she was walking, she saw a cat, laying in the leaves in a splooting position. The cat was a calico cat so the fur blended well with the auburn, brownish and orangey leaves all over the pavement of the road, Danielle would've missed it if it wasn't for the cat meowing at Danielle, shifting up and stretching. It approached her and started rubbing it's head on Danielle's leg.

"Hey there little fella, what are you doing here?," Danielle crouched down and started scratching it's chin, it's fur was so fluffy that she couldn't help but keep going, the cat purred, "You like that?," she chuckled. "Do you have a name?," she tried checking if the cat had a collar on, but it didn't, "Do you have a name?" she gently stroked the cat's back, she thinks for a while, "I'm gonna name you Jerry"

As she was about to take out her phone to take a picture, she noticed something, "Hey, you sorta look like Haerin's cat..." she commented starting to get suspicious of the cat, wondering if Haerin lives in the same neighborhood that she's in right now. She knew that Haerin lives somewhere near the sea but she didn't know in what region specifically. Haerin doesn't talk much about where she lives since sharing your address with a person you never met before is a horrible idea.

Danielle and Haerin became online friends because of a game. Danielle was watching a Youtube video and she accidentally clicked on the ads and instead of closing the tab, she decided to play the game because it 'looked cute'. That was where she and Haerin met, they were paired by the game to take care of a virtual cat for a month and they could communicate through the 'chats' section of the game. Haerin admitted that she only played it because she adopted a cat recently and wanted to see if the game could be any help.

Danielle had a great time chatting with Haerin and decided to become online friends and Haerin agreed. After a few months, Danielle caught herself grinning from ear to ear whenever she get's a notification from Haerin, Hanni who noticed it first and had always teased her about it but she ignored it but after a few more months, she couldn't deny it anymore. She somehow managed to get a huge crush on Haerin and when she told Hanni, she wouldn't stop making fun of Danielle for catching feelings for someone she met online. She only stopped after a week because it was making Danielle upset with her and she needed her to help her with homework despite Danielle being a year younger than her.

She was just about to take a picture and send it to Haerin to ask but she heard the voice of a girl from behind her, "Hazel, there you are!" she turned her head to face the girl. 

'Whoa, she's tall' Danielle thought, still crouching. "Um, hi?," the taller girl greeted with a sweet smile, contrasting her voice's confused tone, her dimple showing on her right cheek. She had long black hair that parted in the middle, just like Minji.

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