Chapter 1

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"Whoa, you're up early"

"I was forced, Dani literally dragged me out of bed," Hanni replied sleepily, adjusting her eyes to the brightness of the phone screen. It was way too early for Hanni to be awake at the moment and her body was still trying to function properly. She was struggling to even stay up to continue the conversation. The cold autumn air was probably the only thing keeping her awake, "why does it has to be so cold here...," she mumbled, shivering slightly as the wind blows.

"Why is it so dark? Are you outside right now?" Minji's voice sounding more concerned rather than curious. Hanni never goes out so early in the morning, and definitely never woke up as early as 5:30 a.m. on a holiday. She would often wake up a bit later.

"Yeah, but I'm just in front of my apartment to take out the trash, don't worry," Hanni explained. Minji, knowing Hanni, she saw right through her lie just by the tone of her voice but decided to play along anyways to see how long Hanni's lie could last. Hanni has never been a good liar- or at least that's what Minji believes since the younger girl can't seem to hide anything from Minji. Just as Hanni was about to speak up, the train station's PA system started to announce that the train is arriving.

 Hanni cursed internally. 

"The train station isn't anywhere near your apartment. Hanni Pham, are you lying to me?" Minji furrowed her brows, sounding more concerned (and also slightly mad) than before. 

Minji knew that Hanni was lying about where she was but she didn't expect her to be at a train station. 'what is she doing there?' 'didn't she say she was going to stay indoors all day with Dani?' 'why didn't she mention anything earlier?' Minji's thoughts kept on replaying in her head. 

 Hanni and Minji text and call daily so the fact that Hanni is traveling somewhere by train so early in the morning and lying to Minji about it seems very suspicious of her. Minji wanted an explanation and Hanni wasn't going to give her one. Instead, she just panicked, running towards her luggage and shaking her phone in the process, leaving Minji with just a blurry image of her. She caught a glimpse of Danielle checking what Minji believes to be train tickets. "Hanni, the train is here, we have to go! Come on!" She heard Dani shout. "I'm trying!" Hanni exclaimed as she dragged her luggage into the train.

"Where are you going with that big of a luggage? Are you going to stay somewhere far for a while? Hanni Pham, answer me!"

"Well, um- I gotta go, I'll call you later!" 

 "Wait, Hanni-," she hung up.


'The train will be moving shortly, please keep all your belongings under watch at all times, thank you.' the PA system announced.

Hanni sat down and placed her luggage right in front of her. Even though there was only her and Danielle on the train at the moment due to the odd hour the pair decided to take, she wasn't going to let her guard down.

"How'd the call with your girlfriend go?" Danielle teased, taking a seat next to Hanni.

"First of all, she definitely knows we're going somewhere. Luckily, she doesn't know where. She's so going to scold me later..." Hanni sighed.

"Obviously, you're bad at lying when it comes to Minji."

"Secondly, she is not my girlfriend." yet, Hanni hopes.

"I can't believe how long you guys are taking to get together... It's been 3 years since you started liking her!" Danielle stated, visibly frustrated at her friend's choice of actions.

"What am I supposed to do anyways? Call her right now and say 'I've liked you since the day we met, would you please be my girlfriend?'" Hanni replied in a sarcastic tone, slumping further down her seat, making herself comfortable.

"Yes, but no. Don't say it like that... and if you dare confess to her over a call I might as well suffocate you with this," Dani said, holding up a stuffed octopi toy, "We're going to give her a surprise visit, right? You have to tell her face to face!"

"Says the girl who haven't even met their crush irl, "Hanni mumbled loud enough for Dani to hear.

"Hey, don't change the subject! This is about you and Minji, not me and Haerin!" Danielle smacked Hanni's shoulder. And if you're wondering, yes, Danielle and Haerin are online friends. They met in a game about cats. And yes, Haerin's username is 'tomato_frog'...

"Owch dude, what the heck!?"

"You deserved that, and if you don't tell her by the end of our trip, I'm leaving you there," Dani joked, placing the stuffed octopi toy on Hanni's head.

"Okay, I'll try"

"Wait, seriously!?" Danielle's eyes widened in shock, shifting her body to face Hanni who was slowly drifting to sleep, still not used to being awake so early.

"Yeah, I'll try..." Hanni said softly before falling asleep.

A/N: I'll explain how Hanni and Minji met in the next chapter (PLEASE DONT KILL ME IM NOT WRITTING ANYTHING WEIRD I SWEAR! -a message to my friend, you know who you are...)

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