Chapter 3

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7:30 a.m.

"Hanni, we're here already. Wake up," Danielle tapped the older girl, "If you're not gonna wake up, I'll take a pic of you and send it to Minji," she jokingly warned, taking her phone out of her pocket and tried to take a picture. 

Hanni, who was still half asleep immediately sprung up and snatched the phone from Danielle before she had a chance to even open her camera, "Don't you fucking dare," she cursed. Her legs are still a bit wobbly from sitting for too long, so she couldn't stay up for long and dropped back down on her seat, still holding Danielle's phone.

Danielle snatched it back the moment she sat back down, "Hey, that's not cool dude!" she frowned, "I woke you up, you should be grateful." 

Hanni let out a chuckle, "right, thank you," she replied, making sure all her stuff was with her.

"We need to get off now, the train is gonna move soon," Danielle reminded.

"Hey, wait up!" Hanni said as she dragged her luggage with her, 'why is this thing so heavy' she thought to herself, wondering if she brought too much stuff along with her(she did).

Now that they're out of the train, they both sat on the bench at that area's train station, looking around. "Hey, there's a vending machine, want anything?" Hanni asks, looking at Danielle... -who was busy texting Haerin. 

"Really girl? Isn't it too early to make me third wheel...," Hanni teased but was quickly cut off by Danielle, "Yeah, like you didn't call the girl you have a big ass gay crush on for 2 years just a few hours ago."

The shorter girl's judging face faltered, turning into a glare instead while Danielle just laughed.

"Ugh, whatever. Back to my question; Do you want anything from the vending machine?," Hanni asked, taking out her wallet from her pocket. 

"No thanks, I'm good," she responded, not taking her eyes off her phone. (Haerin got her wrapped around her fingers fr)

"so whipped..," Hanni mumbled to herself, she's like that too so she can't really say anything about it. Danielle checked the address of the place they rented for 2 months, luckily, they also called a taxi to take them there earlier. There was no way they were going to walk around with their luggage.

After a few minutes of waiting, the taxi arrived. They stuffed their luggage into the bunk of the taxi and went to their destination.


"When you said you rented a place, I expected an apartment... NOT A WHOLE ASS HOUSE-," Hanni cussed out in shock. 

"Girl chill, it's just a small 2 story house..," Danielle looked at her as if Hanni was the one being weird when she was the one renting a whole ass house for a 2 month stay with her own money. Hanni looked at her in disbelief, "I will never understand rich people.."

Danielle unlocked the door to the house and Hanni followed her in, bringing their stuff along. They looked around the place and tried to figure out which switch was which -they were really struggling with that. Hanni finally managed to switch on the living room lights and that was when they got a clearer view of the house.

The interior design of the house was Ikea themed and had cute paintings of cats on the walls. The Vietnamese girl is starting to get suspicious as to why the younger girl  chose this house specifically, wondering if she only chose this house because it reminds her of Haerin who has a cat-like persona.  

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