Betelguese Bio ( Kansen form )

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Name : Betelguese

Gender : Male

Ship class : Betelguese class Super Tillman Battleship

Kansen looks
( Ilustration ) :

Note : He use a helmet to cover his face so no one know what is his gender

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Note : He use a helmet to cover his face so no one know what is his gender

Note : He use a helmet to cover his face so no one know what is his gender

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This is what his helmet will look like ☝🏻

Betelguese theme :

Likes : His nation, His Empire, guarding his allies and friends, a strong fighter against him, Beer.

Dislikes : Foolishnesh act, when he doesn't get any Beer, air attack, submarines.

Skills & abilites

1. Betelguese's solar flare
= When a salvo from Betelguese hits an enemy target and Bulls eye, will inflict a chance for Betelguese firing a special salvo to an enemy. Deals critical damage.

2. Fortem munitionem
= Betelguese will inflict a powerfull shield that protect the ship from enemy fire, only hold until 30 seconds.

3. Missiles away
= launch several anti ship missiles towards the enemy that have been locked.

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